Sunday, April 19, 2015

Finished reading Confess

I didn't think Colleen had any intention to tell us on how Owen knows Auburn. Then I got to the very last chapter. It is nice to see how that things could seem like fate and how Adam pretty much gave his blessings before he even died. Amazing. But the book is awesome and you find out why Auburn needs a lawyer. There are so many secrets in this book that I can't tell you even if I can't. Like the story behind the painting in Auburn's living room. Or, the relationship between Owen and his father. There is also the whole situation with Trey. But I'm going to head out before I tell you every detail on this book and I don't think Colleen would appreciate that. So go get the book and read it. Colleen doesn't disappoint with this book, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't disappoint with any. But I'm going to hunt down Never Never so I can finally read that book. But until then I'll read Bad Romeo. So until next time.....

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