
So here is my new ebook that I'm reading. Do I know what it is about? Of
course not. I don't check to see what they are about anymore. I've only
read the first chapter. So far I guess its based on a high school
teacher and she had a bad break up before the school year started. Thats
about all I know. I know I'm a horrible reader. But I just wanted to
show you what the ebook I'm reading. Also to wish those who celebrate
Thanksgiving today a Happy Thanksgiving. Its a crazy day at my house
because everyone is coming over for dinner. My mother is giving me dirty
looks as we speak because I'm supposed to be cooking instead of working
on this post. So until next time.....
Anyways, you guys are probably thinking I forgot all about this book.
When was the last time I said anything about it anyways. But that is
besides the point since I have enough to tell you what is going on in
the book with a little recap if I haven't said much. So our main
character is named Shel, probably short for Shelly. Anyways, she is a
teacher at a high school who recently went through a break up with
another teacher with in the school. She didn't take the break up too
easily because one, they were engaged and two, he ends up dating the
sluttiest teacher in the school. Basically its just a school full of
teachers that are doing each other. In a sense. Anyways, our main
character ends up forming this lust crush on her best friend Matty, who
is -what do you know? he's a teacher too at the same school. So Matty
and Shel end up having lunch together which starts a whole bunch of
rumors that they are sleeping together. Only because Matty has serious
hots for Shel. The guy doesn't even care if he is a rebound, he just
wants a shot. But this also makes Shel's ex furious in some sense and
comes after them and tries to set Matty off. Sadly it doesn't really
happen, but gets pretty close. Then all is good. Even when Matty comes
to the rescue and helps Shel out a situation with her ex at a football
game. I see wedding bells in the future with these two. What girl
doesn't want her own knight in shining armor?
I may have complained about the book a little too soon. Because I'm
pretty sure the characters has entered the twilight zone as soon as I
finished complaining how slow the book is. Basically our main characters
are driving in some thick fog. I think I told you that they hit
something, but didn't know what. Well they escape the fog and come up to
a well lit gas station. Only problem is that the gas station hasn't had
anyone there in years. Also there is no hint to where they are. All
they had was a comic book with the word Sign as the title. Creepy. Sadly
while they are investigating the gas stations a dark figure ends up
slashing all four of their tires and then leads them to an already
running truck. They end up investigating the truck and find some things
that remind one of the characters of their child hood. But he thinks the
truck is safe enough and has his wife climb in with him. Sadly there is
no way to tell them how much gas they have, but decide to drive off
anyways. I mean anywhere is better then a creepy abandoned gas station.
Well until they turn on the headlights and see the word Sign freshly
painted on the back of the gas station. That sure made them high tail it
out of there, making them feel safe, but I wouldn't count my chickens
just yet. Especially when the chapter ends with something stirring under
the tarp in the back of the truck. This book just got crazy. So until
next time......
I kind of enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and pretty good.
Also you could also say that it was quite predictable. Especially after
all of it was worked out after the huge misunderstanding. I wish there
was more I can say about the book, but sadly I don't. Lame I know but
there isn't much to say since my last post. A lot just happens in
between that wasn't really not worthy. But the proposal was kind of
cute. If I was a huge sports fan, I'd like that kind of proposal. But
I'm not, I'm a huge music fan waiting for a proposal made for the books.
I leave that for someone to think over. Not saying who because that
would loose all of the mystery.
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