
Anyways, I'm about a third of the way through this book now and I tired to hard not to laugh out loud in some parts. Especially during the conversation between Alex and Angel. So far I think these two have both met their match with each other. Its going to make a very interesting story. So far these two don't even know what to think about each other. I can't wait to see when they actually meet in the book. But I'm heading out for now and read a little big out of The Darkest Lie. So until next time.....4/5/15
Okay I'm officially done with The Darkest Lie and it didn't have quite the epic ending that I was expecting. But all and all, it was still pretty good. But since I finished the book at work, I was able to get some of Angel After Dark done. I'm now almost halfway and things are starting to get interesting. Also Alex's best friend has a death wish trying to set Angel up with Alex. He even had them finally meet on the sly. So now the interesting part starts. I wonder how everything is going to go now that they know who each other is. Also it might also help that they remember each other from that fateful day at the do it yourself store. So until next time.....While those who celebrate Easter were celebrating and enjoying loved ones, I was stuck at work reading. I'm not complaining because I'm almost caught up in my reading and almost finished Angel After Dark. This will most likely be the last post on the book, but I will mention it in the next post before talking about the book of interest. Anyways, our two love birds in the book have finally gave into each other. Angel is still thinking the whole thing isn't going to work while Alex is realizing that everything is much more different with Angel then anyone else. But while our love birds try to figure things out, someone is after Angel. Only because she is working on a very important case. This kind of makes Alex investigate on his own behind her back. Things are pretty interesting right now and I'm kind of curious on how this book is going to end. So until next time.....
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