+Anima Vol. 2


The cover of the volume I got kind of makes me sad. It's been through a lot. The whole thing is falling apart. Meaning I have to be careful as I read it. I haven't officially started +Anima Vol. 2 yet, but I'm just about to. The internet came back on right when I got to the third page and then I had to put it down to do catch up with the paperwork at work. Anyways, I have a feeling our little group is going to get more members because it seems that everytime they go out on an adventure, they find someone like them. The next creature I have no idea what it is. You get a hint but the hint might as well just be a black blob. I guess I'll just have to read to find out.


 I'm beginning to enjoy this little group of +Anima. Cooro is probably my favorite since he is so energetic and easily influenced by food. Anyways, the first adventure ends up being about a village that makes honey and they think the young master of the manor turned into a monster and ate everyone. Turns out that it wasn't the case. The second adventure is that they meet two travelers and help them through the pass. Then they joined gangs. And I left off at the adventure of fighting a sea monster. Okay, so I didn't officially finish the volume but I'm pretty close. Close enough that I'm starting to like this series. The characters are so likeable and you can't help but love them. I wonder what is going to happen next in the next volume.

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