
I'm stuck. So what better way to get rid of writer's block then read a
ebook on my computer. Its a quick read and it will give my brain a rest
from the constant writing. So as usual I know nothing about the book
other then the name and author. Everything is based off first
impressions, what I think of the book halfway, and then as a whole.
Three posts. Thats all you are getting. Unless the book is like super
long or taking me forever to read. Figured I'd go over the rules again,
just to remind myself more then anyone else. Remember its been a while.
So far first impression is that I'm sensing a romance, which seems to be
my main choice of genre when it comes to everything. All I got so far
from the first few pages is that our leading lady, Mia sold her
virginity to the highest bidder that fit her needs. Prediction, she
either falls in love with a multi-millionaire or her best friend that
helped her go through all of this. But I have to read to find out. So
until next time......
I didn't forget about this book. The only reason I haven't really read
it lately is because they stole the Ipad from me again. I really need to
get my own or a Kindle or something like that. That way I can read all
of my ebooks and not have to worry about anyone stealing my reading
time. My family is mean sometimes. Anyways, the book is pretty good from
what I read. I'm only a third of the way and I'm only writing this post
because I feel bad. Anyways, our leading lady sold her body for selfish
and selfless reasons. There is something that happened in her past
though that is going to probably affect everything. Also I just know
that she is going to fall madly in love with the guy and she is going to
fight it. But right now they are in a different country, ready to go
through doing the dirty deed. Only because our leading lady doesn't want
to make a big deal out of loosing her virginity. But already she is
getting panic attacks and they hadn't even started. So until next
You probably thought I forgot about this book. But I have not. Also I
kind of gave up fighting for the device that has this book on it. So I
bought a new phone which makes reading this book so much easier. But the
downside is that it takes longer to read a small chapter. Can't win
them all I guess. Anyways, the book is pretty interesting at this point.
For those who don't remember the book and what I've talked about way
back when, the book starts with a pre-med student named Emillia.
Probably spelt her name wrong, but I at least tried. Anyways, she is in a
bit of a pickle. Her mom is on the brink of losing everything, so our
leading lady decides to put on an auction. And just not any auction, but
one where she sells her virginity. Illegal in our country but she found
some loop holes. Anyways, after the auction she meets her winner.
Instantly she hates him because he is a complete jerk to her. But first
impressions say absolutely nothing apparently in this book. The guy ends
up being okay. The only problem is he keeps finding reasons to not
fulfill the agreement. Its getting to the point that I think the guy
loves her. Also our leading lady is falling for him, but she just
doesn't want to admit it yet. Heck she doesn't even want to have
feelings for him. She keeps saying that what they have is just business,
but I'm getting to think that our leading man Adam had different plans.
I'm halfway through the book and I just have to motivate myself to
As much as I'd like to finish this book because I was really enjoying
it, I can't. Its because the device I was reading it on is always in my
brother's hands. Keeping me from reading it. Also I think you guys are
getting sick and tired of me dragging this book out for so long. But if
you want to see how the book ends, I suggest getting it. I know that
I'll try to finish the book, but at my own time. Only because my brother
is being a little jerk and is addicted to electronics. He also thinks
he owns everything in the house. The brat. Anyways, go read this book,
buy it if you have to. The author deserves the love and it is a good
book. I feel bad that I just can't finish it at this time.
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