Backstage Pass


  I figured I'd tell you guys about the book that I'm reading while its too dark for a normal book. So this is the ebook I've been reading. Actually I've only been reading it for like a day and I'm almost done already. I will also have to say that this book is basically a lesson on how you can't judge a book by its cover. I say this because our main character meets a musician and she thinks he's all about the parties and groupies. That he isn't up for a serious relationship and that his head is in the clouds. But he is proving otherwise. So this book defiantly puts the saying into play, which I like.  But I'm going to finish up this book and I'll let you know how it ends. So until next time......


 So I finally finished a book after all of the weeks of not reading. I think it has to do with the fact that my grans is now home and is doing so much better. Anyways, I'd like to talk about this book. After our main character Sasha has a little disagreement with her best friend and goes on a bad date with a selfish guy. She is finally with our musician Jesse. At this point you are saying about time after you think that the girl has some mad skills on proving to the guy that she wants him. Okay she basically attacked him. But he was the one that saved her from the worst date ever. Anyways, I'm glad everything worked out in the book. Even if I knew that they would. What kind of romance would it be if the lovers never ended up together. That would be horrible. But I'm out because I'm cold and I have lots to do tomorrow. So until next time.....

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