
My next read is Beautiful Oblivion by Addison Moore. It's one of those free books I found once again. Not sure where, but it was free. Anyways, I'm pretty much going into this blind as usual. I'm pretty excited to find out what this book has to hold. The last Addison Moore book I read was a pretty good one and I have high expectations for this one. She is still a new author to me along with a list of others who's books I've read recently. So far I have read only the prologue. Not much to tell from that. Except who our lead female character is. I guess I have to read more to tell you more. Right?
I nearly forgot all about this book. I don't even remember all that I read so far. I might have to start from the beginning. Anyways, since I'm still waiting for some books to come in at the library, I thought I would read a book that I started but never finished. I can't remember anything, except that we have a girl who has a crush on her best friend's brother. Or, I think that is the story. I could be wrong. I wish I could say more, but there is nothing really to say. Maybe once I actually start the book again, I'll have a longer post. Right now I'm still wrapping up The Haunted. But I'm sure this book will be a quick read since it's an Ebook.
Anyways, it's back to reading Beautiful Oblivion. How long has it been since I read this book? A few weeks or months? Either way, this book I remember what it's about. It's summer and our lead female character is thinking this is her last chance to be with the guy she likes before she goes off to some college that is far away. Of course, she already has a boyfriend who fits the image that her family would like her to uphold even though she really likes this guy that was her best friend's brother and so on. They come up with a no strings attached deal. Both of them are completely unaware of each other's feelings for each other and think that this whole thing isn't going to work out. Also, she doesn't know that he is actually going to the same school as her when the summer is over. Then a whole lot of sex scenes happen apparently because I went back to reading one right in the middle. We all know that this is a very predictable story plot, but it still a good read. Anyways, things are getting pretty interesting and it is getting to point that the two main characters need to just suck it up and confess already. I really hope they do soon or that the lead female finally kicks her fake boyfriend to curb because he is kind of a creep. But I'm going to continue reading and I'll update you guys when I finish the book.
Things get interesting in this book. I only say that because our lead
female character is still somewhat in denial of her relationship with
her 'fake' boyfriend. But after he pulls a little stunt in front of a
whole bunch of people that she didn't appreciate and a magical getaway
with the man she loves, she decides enough is enough. That is where
things get interesting. Her stepmother knows of the secret love affair
she is having and tries to tell her to just accept what was set up for
her. But our leading lady won't have any of it. She tries to break
things off with her 'boyfriend' but he is so set on the future their
parents had set up for them. Even to the point that he does something
uncalled for that actually shows what kind of a jerk he really is. But
everything all works out in the end and everyone is happy. Kind of makes
me want to go check out the next book in this series. Anyways, I do
recommend reading this book. It's good if you are all into the
predictable romance get up of two friends who are in love with each
other since the day they knew what love was. I did enjoy it and kind of
wished that I finished it sooner. But go check out the book and give the
author a lot of love. She kind of deserves it for pulling me into such a
good book.
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