
I fell in love with this book the moment Taylor first came in. I don't know why. Probably has to do that he is a Maddox. I don't know, but I love the guy. It also could be the fact that Taylor reminds me so much of Travis. Thank you for that Jamie. I missed reading Beautiful Disaster because of Travis's personality. Anyways our leading lady, who's name I can't remember how to spell at the moment, is playing really hard to get because she knows that Taylor is bad news. Sadly when a Maddox is put up to a challenge they take it on. So our leading lady gets suckered into a date and she is pretty much done for. I can tell you that right now and she hasn't even gone on her date with Taylor yet. But I'm going to head out.6/29/15
Taylor is ruthless. Falyn doesn't stand a chance with this guy. But apparently she is trying to get to the same town Taylor is from. I'm not sure why, but she apparently has to get there. Even if she has to stand Taylor's charm the whole way there. But this book just gets more interesting by the minute. Loving it so far. Anyways I'm about halfway through the book. I know I should be farther along, but I'm not. I keep getting distracted because I suck. Right now I'm kind of curious on how this book is going to wrap up into the others. They all do in some way or form. Also I want to know Falyn's secret. What is this girl holding back? It drives me nuts. But I'm going to head out right now because I have reading to do and I have nothing else to say. Boo. So until next time.......
In all honesty, I'm way farther then halfway. Goodreads just likes to
lie to me from time to time. Anyways, Taylor is finally getting under
Falyn's skin. He is also implying to start a serious relationship. Not
sure how she would react to that, but if I were her, I'd be all over
that boy. Just saying. Sadly not much has happened since I last posted,
but I thought I would make something small. The next post will be when I
finish the book, which will hopefully be today. Its supposed to be a
slow day, meaning I should get a lot of reading done. Right now Falyn
and Taylor are on their way to Illinois and they did the little
experiment of kissing. Sure why not, since Tyler got his fill of the
girl. Luckly Taylor just blew her out of the water which most likely
scared the poor girl because she has no idea what she is feeling. Way to
go Taylor, do it the Maddox way. I'm just kidding. I love these books
and I tend to get a little too into them. So until next time......So I won't finish the book until I'm alone in my room, because there is going to be some ugly tears coming from me. I say this because a break up scene is about to play out and I take those to heart. Like I said before, I get really into these books. Anyways, Falyn was the idiot and cut the cord of Taylor. Well she says that they needed a break so he could really think about his future. Well, he just so happens to mess up during his small time line of a week and ends up sleeping with some random woman at the bar while visiting his brother. Maddoxes are known to do the drastic things while trying to forget about the girl that stole their heart, only to learn that it never works because they still feel lost. Anyways, Taylor gets drunk once again and tells Falyn everything. I give him props for it but also kind of want to smack him for it. But now the road is a little bumpy and hopefully they will work it out. Sadly we all know that its not going to happen. So before I begin bawling in the middle of work, I'm putting the book aside. I don't need people to see me tear up because the series tends to rip my heart of my chest, rips it into pieces, stomps on it, and then puts it back together later on in the book. But that is what makes a good book. Right? You need to have all the feels in order to agree that the book is worth every star that it gets. But I'll probably won't post again about the book, sadly. I have like two or three chapters left and its going to be brutal. But read the book and all the others. I highly recommend it. So until next time......
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