
I'm doing it again. I just got a like a bunch of free ebooks and I just
so happen to be reading them instead of reading the book I should be,
The Edge of Always. I'm a horrible person. Anyways, here is my first
free ebook that I got and its quite interesting. Its pretty much a quick
read, which makes it easier for me to reach 100 books by the end of the
year. I'm no where near making my goal by the way. Anyways, the book
starts off with our leading lady Sloane pretty much selling herself in
order to get information about her sister. She is pretty much freaking
out, but she goes through with it. The whole entire time she can't see
because the man she is supposed to sleep with doesn't want any lights
on. But she does get a slight glimpse of him as he leave out the door.
Anyways, the more you read you find out that they guy is basically a hit
man for what I assume is the mob or something like that. He also finds
out that the guy that took him in is pretty much trading girls for money
behind his back. Oh by the way our leading man is named Zeth. But back
to the story. You learn that Zeth actually secretly has the hots for
Sloane. But he kind of wants to avoid her, even when he gets shot. But
he does go to the hospital when the girl he took in ends up trying to
kill herself. Apparently this is actually a normal thing for Zeth if he
leaves his housemate alone for too long. Anyways, just so happens that
when he gets the hospital he runs into Sloane. He tries hard not to talk
or anything, and you find out why. Apparently Sloane remembers the
sound of his voice. Zeth pretty much lies and says that they don't know
each other. Okay, maybe that is true. Anyways, I'm halfway through the
book and I have some serious packing to do because I just got a text
stating my uncle is on his way home. So I have last minute cleaning to
do before he gets here. So until next time....
I told you it was a quick read. Sure my phone died when I was close to
the end, but I still finished it none the less. And there is nothing
like picking the book back up to read about an almost sex scene
happening in a hospital hallway. So now Sloane knows for sure who Zeth
is, except she still doesn't know his name. Anyways Sloane is all bend
up over Zeth to the point she goes to her best friend for some help. The
have a pretty interesting conversation. So Sloane goes to work and
tries to take care of Zeth's housemate. Only problem is she isn't
corroborating. She even threatens to kill herself again. So as a bargain
to have her see someone Sloane gives her a cell phone to call Zeth.
Then told the girl to put the phone in the nightstand when she is done.
Only problem with that is the fact that the cell phone is now gone
because apparently Zeth doesn't want to be found. Also by have Sloane's
phone in his hands, Zeth can't help but go through it. But I have to
admit there little text war is pretty amusing. Anyways they decide to
meet and Zeth has some plans going on for Sloane. Apparently Zeth
invited Sloane to a little party he was having. Things might just get
interesting from this point. And of course they do because the party
isn't anything that is expected. I would be just as shocked as Sloane if
I walked into something like that. Anyways it gets pretty intense. So
intense that I don't think I should be reading this book in a room full
of people. Longest sex scene ever and this book is defiantly not for
children, and for some reason I can't put it down. I've spent like three
chapters with the same sex scene and it felt like there was no end to
it. But I does end and Sloane is pretty angry, I think more with herself
then Zeth. She leaves and her absence really drive him mad. Also I
guess since she pretty much submitted to him, she now belongs to him.
Which results in the exchanging of keys and so on and so forth. Anyways,
I'm going to leave it at that, because it would just ruin the book if I
told you everything. You'll just have to read it yourself to find out
what happens next. So until next time.....
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