Sometimes It Lasts


Oh hey, another Abbi Glines book. Lucky for you I've almost read all of the books they have of hers that the library has. Sad for me, but lucky for you. So here is the low down. Not much to tell only because I just flippin started the book. Anyways the book is in fact about Cage and Eva. The prologue had me scratching my head and I hope to god that the book makes sense of it. At first I didn't even think it was Eva's point of view. But I have a feeling this book is going to be really good. But I haven't had a chance to read much only because no one believes in quiet time in my house and like to blast their shows full blast on tablets. But I'll most likely have this book done by the end of the weekend. That is my goal at least because I finally got Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover from the library. Still with it was Never Never, but fate has it that I can't read the damn new book. Sad face. But I"m going to head off and pout and wait until everyone goes to bed before I pick this book up. No wonder I'm so tired all of the time. So until next time.....


 One day I'll figure out how to do this on my ipad. Until then, I'm hauling my laptop around. Anyways, I'm almost done with the book. Yay me. I have to read Point of Retreat before next week, so you can say I'm making good progress. Also my mother is still hogging Opposition. She's doing it on purpose, I swear it. Also I was finally able to pre-order Beautiful Redemption. Pretty excited about that. I may have even done a little happy dance. Anyways, lets get talking about the book. Not sure what to say since a lot happens in the book. Also a lot happens that could ruin the book if I told you. So I'm just going to say that I love the book and that you all should read it. No joke. Read the book. If you haven't started reading the series, read the damn series. I'm almost caught up with everyone else which has me pretty stoked. Sadly once I'm all caught up, the series is over. Sad face. But the bright side is that I don't have to bite my nails while rocking in a corner waiting for the next book in the series to arrive. I'm doing that for the Rosemary Beach series as we speak. April can't come fast enough. Also if I remember correctly that is when Jay Crownover has Asa coming out. I can't fricken wait that long! Tear. Anyways, I'm going to wrap up this book. Once again, go read it if you haven't. You will not be disappointed. So until next time....

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