Okay, so I found out that I have to finish this book by the 23rd of
this month. So I'm putting down Angel Killer, even if I don't want to,
and picking up this book. Effortless is actually the second book in a
series. I gave the first book a pretty good review on my website,
www.lysrobison.webnode.com, and now I'm up to reviewing this book. I got
pretty excited when it arrived at the library since I requested it.
a little recap on what happened in the first book. If you want to know
what actually happened, I recommend you read it. Its like watching a
modern version of a soap opera with way better acting. The book is so
relateable in a way.

So Thoughtless started with our main
character, Kiera, traveling all the way across the country with her
boyfriend for his job. They move in with one of his friends and
everything seems to go pretty well. At least until Kiera's boyfriend,
Danny, leaves to a whole different state. Kiera ends up getting closer
to Danny's best friend, Kellan, and you can so see something brewing up
between these two.
Things get more complicated when Danny is
offered a job in a different state and asks Kiera to finish up school,
then meet up with him. She basically told him no way, did something
stupid, and then woke up in a haze of guilt. Danny comes back and all
hell breaks loose between Kellan and Kiera because Kiera can't choose
who the hell she wants. It gets so bad that there are a few fights that
break out. Some one almost gets killed. Then it ends with Kiera fighting
for the man she loves to take her back. Surprise, surprise, its Kellan.
But, he still doesn't trust her all that much and fears that she'll
leave him for some other guy.
So, all this leads to the next book
in line, Effortless. I am just about to start it and am pretty excited
what drama lies within its pages. Is someone going to cheat? Is someone
going to leave? Maybe one wants to get married while the other doesn't.
Maybe even a baby on the way. Who knows. The possibilities seem endless
before you even read the first page. So, I'll post once again with I'm a
third of the way.
So until next time, go read Thoughtless so you aren't lost.
I'm never going to get Effortless done if I only read one or two
chapters a day. I just finished chapter three and I hardly made a dent.
Anyways, right now everything in the book is all dandy. Also I made a
name error with the last book, Thoughtless. The ex-boyfriend's name is
Denny, not Danny. I got one letter wrong. Anyways, everything seems
perfect between Kellan and Kiera. Still some insecurities going on, but
what do you expect after what happened in Thoughtless. Kiera still sees
Kellan as a guy that likes to sleep around and can pretty much have
anyone he wants. She is also afraid that if they rush things that their
relationship will burn out. Kellan on the other hand wants to rush
things, but still respects Kiera's choices. He is also fighting with a
troubled past that he doesn't really talk about, and the fear of coming
second with Kiera. I'm still waiting for some drama to start in this
book. Right now it just feels like it is dragging on. I'm practically
telling the book to hurry it up right now. So, I'm going to force myself
to read at least three chapters today. I got one done so far, two more
to go.
I read the three chapters that I wanted. Not much happened except one of
Kellan's old flings tried to put a damper on their relationship. Of
course, it worked. Kiera still thinks that Kellan will just sleep with
what ever woman he wants. Talk about throwing a guys past in his face.
Obviously the girl doesn't trust the guy. Of course he doesn't trust her
either. The big event in the book is that Kellan goes on tour with his
band. Due to previous events in the first book, he thinks history will
repeat itself. He's scared that if he leaves, Kiera will get so lonely
and cheat on him. I'm trying to figure out how they can have a
relationship if they can't trust each other. I guess that is why it
makes it such a good book.
Sadly I haven't been reading much yet. Effortless is like pulling teeth
right now. There is absolutely no drama going on. Right now all I'm
reading about it that Kellan is about to leave and how she doesn't look
forward to it. I pretty much stopped reading when he is about to leave
and he went to class with her. Nothing exciting. But, I'll try to read
some more. There is a lot going on right now with my family's annual
garage sale coming up. Also I got my costumes that I'm making. Its just a
mess right now. But I will be sure to read more. I'm as curious on how
this whole thing plays out as you are. Especially when they get tested
on how much they really do love each other. Will they learn to finally
trust each other, or will it all blow up in smoke?
So I'm a little over halfway through Effortless. I also have to admit
that I kind of peeked ahead. Just reading only the conversations is good
and make you want to keep reading. Anyways, Kellan is on tour and Kiera
is finding little notes every where that Kellan left behind. It is like
the sweetest thing ever. I would love just going through out my day and
finding a random note telling me how beautiful I am, or how I light up
someone's world every day. Kellan is a sweetie in this book. Anyways,
things just got interesting because Kiera's boyfriend Denny comes back.
She is totally freaking out because she knows that Kellan is going to
think the worse. Due to my peaking, she should of just told him right
away to safe some future drama. The girl just hasn't learned a thing.
But, I'm not to the point that I just don't want to put the book down. I
just know it is going to be really good now that Denny is back in the
picture. And, I thought the Christmas scene was good. This just got
I'm a horrible reader. The point of the making it seem that Kellan is
cheating through the whole last half of the book is to make you keep
reading to see. Of course, the idiot that I am had to peek. So I knew
the big secret before I even finish the book. I'm so ashamed. Anyways,
I'm pretty much done with the book and you find out the secret after
Kellan and Kiera have a huge fight. Starts with Kellan coming home to
see Kiera being a good friend to Denny, because he's sad his girlfriend
is still on the other side of the world. The fight get worse after
Kellan storms out of Kiera's room while she is taking a shower, or at
least after she's done. Kiera storms over to Kellan's house demanding
why he dumped her and stormed out with out explaining. I'm not sure what
happens after it all gets straightened out. I'm not quite done yet, but
I will be later tonight if I don't fall asleep. Either way this is a
really good book and I'd give it five stars. I highly recommend it and
also the first book you should read as well. You won't want to put it
down once the drama all starts. My next book is going to be Where You
Are by Tamara Webber, which is also a sequel to another book. I'll give
you the run down on the first book just like this one in my next post.
So until next time.
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