
own the books and I can't even remember the main girl's name. I'm a horrible book owner. Of course I remember the guy's name. Anyways, this book is basically about Woods, a guy who had a crush on the girl from the series I mentioned before. It basically tells you how his relationship with Della all started and whatnot. All I have to say about the book so far is that Abbi Glines wasted no time to heat things up between the two love birds. Nothing like pulling the reader in with a sex scene. But, the one thing I'm really itching to find out is what happened with Della's mom. That is one way to pull the reader in and introduce Della. You know something bad happened, but you don't know what. So I know I'm going to be spending the whole time reading the book trying to guess what happened with Della's mom. Why do they do this to me? I read slower when I'm trying to figure something out. It makes me sad. Anyways, I just finished the sex scene and I'm not on chapter three. A bit of advice with this book is to pay attention. The point of view changes and if you don't see who is telling the story, you might get confused. But I'm off to read and listen to the chipmunks run around in my ceiling. Always fun to have rodents invading your space. So until next time....
Nothing like taking a nap, at five at night until someone wakes you up at almost midnight, to keep me up all night to read. But it is getting to that point that someone is going to complain that there is still a light on at four in the morning. Anyways, I'm halfway through reading Twisted Perfection. I figured I would breeze though this book like nothing. Right now I'm reading about Woods admitting he messed up and had the need to explain everything to Della. They ended up agreeing to be just friends, but I have a feeling that won't last long. Also I found out the main girl in Never Too Far, her name is Blaire. Anyways, I'm wondering when that couple is going to pop up in this book. They get mentioned and all, but they aren't actually in it. Sigh. Anyways, Woods is starting to think that Della has some secrets going on with her. He is determined to find out what they are. So am I. I may have peeked a little as well. I'm sorry. I had to. I wanted to know so bad. I'm a horrible reader and I cheat too much. I deserve to be slapped on the hand or hit in the head with a book. But, I only read the conversations. I swear. They didn't give me much insight on what was going on. Made me sad. Anyways, I'm forced to put the book way for now. Sad face. Apparently we have a lights out policy somewhere that no one was nice enough to inform me with. So until next time.....
So I didn't get much reading done today. It was pretty stressful with the fact that we had to send my grans to the hospital. We all knew she wasn't going to die, because the woman is just too damn stubborn. Anyways, after everything settled down, I was able to read a little bit. I'm not sure if anything I read registered though. I have a feeling I'll be buying this book later on just so I can reread it. Anyways, from what did register, Woods was engaged but he broke if off because little Woodsie is in love. Only he doesn't know it yet. He just thinks that he has Della for a short amount of time and the thought of loosing her just gave him the nerve to put his foot down. Yay Woods! Also the guy who's house Della is stay at is in the picture now. Kind of made Woods get his butt in gear. Such a shame. Anyways, the guy's name is Tripp and he even was willing to share how he felt towards Della, well kind of. He more like implied he wanted more then she was giving him, but he didn't flat out say it. But Tripp also is now helping Woods win Della over. Such a good friend he is. He did this by having Woods stay the night so he could be there when Della had her night terrors. Tripp is thinking that if Della saw that Woods was willing to stick around to get know her, maybe just maybe she'll be willing to talk about her past. I hope it works out, because I'm dying to know what happened to Della just as bad as everyone else. And where is my girl Blaire? I think its time her and Rush get a spot in the story. I'm going to head out even though I'd love to talk about books more. But I have to go check on my grans to make sure she is okay and if we decided to take her to a different hospital that knows what they are talking about. I swear the doctors in our town are stupid, and think they are fooling us by blaming an old lady's medication. Some people these days. Anyways, I'm out and I'll post when I finish the book. So until next time.....
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