
Okay, so I am going to just jump in and talk about the book because a lot has happened since I last posted. So, I'm not sure where I left off, but I will say that there was a zombie in the school. It was on the hunt for Layla, and I agree with her, that's just gross. Anyways, Roth and her go down into the boiler room to get rid of the zombie. It went semi smoothly and she went home to report it. Of course she gets in trouble for fighting the zombie instead of calling someone to come and take care of it. That makes her semi mad. What makes it worse is that there is a gargoyle in the house that is out for her. I mean out, like he is determined to make her life a living hell when he is around. The guy is a class-A jerk. So the next day she ends up on a date with Roth. It was cute and it threw everything she has learned out the window. Poor girl. Of course, after her date all hell breaks loose. Nothing like a possessed cab driver chasing you home and causing you to get in an accident. Which leads to Layla being a pretty much locked down. Then she ends up getting in a big fight with Zayne. The fight is so bad that he stops talking to her. Who's acting like a child now Zayne? Anyways, since Zayne is completely ignoring Layla, he pretty much put her life in dangers. While the big machos came to visit, Layla gets attacked by the gargoyle doesn't really like her. His main goal was to kill him. Of course, Bambi comes to the rescue, but it wasn't quiet successful. So in desperate measures, Layla takes a soul. Doesn't work in her favor, luckly Roth saved the day. He even cleaned up the mess and took Layla to his place. She is quite interested on what she finds out about Roth while being at his place. She even finds cute little demon kitties. She also finds out that Roth likes to garden during his free time. Nothing like falling asleep next to a demon in a garden that he created. Talk about romance, right? Okay, maybe I lied and not a whole lot happened. Maybe I was telling the truth and that I don't remember all of it because I couldn't put the book down. I'm actually almost done. So I believe there will be one more post left for this book. I'm not sure yet. So until next time......
Its not everyday you are told that you are the daughter of the mythical
Lilith. But, in this book Layla is just that. And Hell is out for her
blood to bring back a certain demon that has been wiped out of
existence. Roth didn't even sugar coat it when he tells her all about
it. He also admits that he is watching Layla as an assignment from Satan
himself to make sure she stays safe. So he's her personal bodyguard
that isn't so hard on the eyes. Anyways, Layla doesn't want to go home
but she knows she has too. She still puts it off until Zayne pretty much
hunts her down himself. As soon as he gets a good look at her, he sees
that the gargoyle that doesn't like her beat her up pretty bad. She was
actually amazed on how fast he knew who it was. I also would like to add
that Zayne ended up getting beyond pissed and was ready to rip the
gargoyle's head off. Layla had to tell him the story Roth and her came
up with in order to calm him down. She then had to be questioned as soon
as she got home, and Zayne feels beyond guilty that Layla got hurt. He
feels like that if he wasn't ignoring her, she wouldn't of gotten beaten
up, or nearly killed. Good, I hope he feels like a complete ass. So
Layla misses a few days of school because of it. The cover story is that
she was in a car accident. The funny thing is that she was in a car
accident, but got away with minor injuries. Nothing like adding a
beating on top of that. Anyways, when Layla does return to school, she
ends up skipping with Roth anyways. Apparently they both made it their
mission for find some kind of key to prevent Layla from getting into any
further danger. So they go see a Seer and Layla is shocked at how young
the Seer actually is. Her world is all shades of gray now. Of course,
she has a highly confusing riddle to solve in order to find the key now.
How will she ever figure that out? Anyways, Layla once again gets
attacked by demons on the way to Roth's house. Luckly Roth was there to
keep her safe. The guy is pretty cool. Anyways, they get to Roth's place
and Layla finds out who Roth really is. I was wondering when that was
going to happen. Things also get more complicated between the two when
Layla realizes that something has changed between them after the whole
conversation about Roth. Then they solve the riddle the Seer gave them.
Or should I say Layla's best friend solved it. Now all Layla has to do
is find a good alibi so she can go with Roth to get what they are
looking for. So far Zayne is putting up quite a good fight. So until
next time....So the advantages of being in a different town dog sitting with nothing to do, I get a lot of reading done. So expect to see a post about Jet by Jay Crownover right after this. I'm actually halfway through that book already, believe or not. But, lets finish talking about this one first. I left off with Layla looking for an alibi to run off with Roth with out the gargoyles finding out. They are actually called Wardens, but I'm still calling them gargoyles. Gargoyles are cooler. Anyways, she did find a potential alibi. Only problem is that Zayne is completely against it. No matter how much Layla tells him to shut his trap or comes up with solutions, the guy shoots back how it could be dangerous and not a good idea. The jerk. Zayne's father okays it thought, making Zayne very displeased. Layla is happy about it though because that means she can sneak off with Roth. Layla's alibi is going to be that she is staying the night studying with her best friend, Stacey. Stacey is more then happy to cover for Layla, only thing is that Stacey is treating this like a date. I don't blame her since Layla and Roth are acting like they are dating. So after being dropped off and Zayne driving by like six times, Layla leaves with Roth. They had some time to kill before going where they needed to, so they grabbed a bite to eat and the hung out at Roth's place. They seem to go there a lot. Of course this time around things got a little heated. But then it was time to go get the key before their little session got a little too far. So they go get the key. I'm not going to tell you where because that will ruin the whole book, and because I can. But I will say that its a place that involves water. So they get the key, well after fighting some demons and whatnot. And then Layla gets busted. As in a gargoyle that she lives with finds her not being where she should be. And then every gargoyle that Layla lives with attacked, making Roth think Layla betrayed him. Honestly she was as surprised to see them as he was. Still didn't help matters because Zayne swept her away, preventing Layla from trying to stop the fighting. Roth disappeared and Layla gets locked in her bedroom. She knows that now she has some serious explaining to do. Of course, everyone is just mad and rather yell then work it out. Now Layla is locked away in her room as punishment. Luckly she is still able to go to school, but who knows how long that will last. Also she finds out that Roth has gone missing. Probably mad with the thought that she betrayed him. Either that or he was sent to the fiery pits of Hell. So I have less then sixty pages to read making me wrap up my posts for this book. You'll just have to read the book to know how it ends. Anyways, I liked it and there are moments where you want to cry or just burst out laughing. So I highly recommend the book, and I can't wait to read the sequel to the book. Sadly its not out yet, hopefully I'll get an advance copy. Hint hint. So until next time....
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