So, being the huge fan that I am of Sherrilyn Kenyon, I had just so happen to have bought this book when it first came out. It took a lot of begging to get it. Anyways, I'm most likely never going to read Glimmerglass anytime soon. So I decided to read this baby before Instinct comes out. Which I'm pretty excited about. I honestly attempted to start reading this book, but when I get a limit amount of time for books from the library, I kind of have to put it on the shelf. And sometimes I forget that its there. I'm not perfect fan, but still a fan. Anyways I'm finally going to read this book and hopefully finish it before I pick up Styxx from the library, another Sherrilyn Kenyon book. I'm just getting her books left and right lately. Might have to do with the books that are coming out all of a sudden. I finished most of the series and having these books come out make it all the better. Anyways I'm going to go off and read Illusion. From what I hear or read on the inside cover, Nick goes in an alternate reality where there is no such thing a supernatural stuff. I would rather live in a world of supernatural. So until next time.....
I'm about half way through the book already and a lot has happened. But
for those who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, I'll give
you a brief explanation. Illusion is part of a series called The
Chronicles of Nick. I can't remember what number it is, but I think its
the fourth book. I could be wrong. Most likely. Anyways, its kind of a
run off of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter Series. So our main character
Nick is the main focus in the whole series. Hence why its called The
Chronicles of Nick. Nick just so happens to be part demon due to the
fact that his father, who is the strongest demon to live, had a child
with Nick's mother, who is human. The supposed story is that Nick's
father raped his mother, but the more you read into the series you being
to realize that wasn't the case. Heck the guy sacrificed himself to
save Nick and his mom. That is true love right there. Anyways, the
series is all about Nick coming into his powers while all of these
things come after him to either end his life or enslave him. Its one of
the side effects of being one of the strongest demons on earth. Anyways,
the book that I'm reading is that Nick is pulled into an alternate
universe. Why? Most likely to weaken him enough that he can be killed.
He now has to make it back into his world in order to save the world
from a big bad evil general demon that his father made a deal with for
just in case he died. Sacrificing himself doesn't seem like it was a
smart move at the moment. Especially when Nick is running for his life
from people he thought were friends in his world and a swarm of demons
working for a even stronger demon. All hell is pretty much breaking
loose at the moment. And that is just half of the book. I pretty much
stopped with Nick pretty much sacrificed himself to keep everyone he
loved in the alternate universe and got dragged away. I'm not sure what
is going to happen, or how Nick is going to get back to his world. But
I'm fully prepared not to rest until I find out. If only my eyes agreed.
They keep trying to close for good. So until next time.....Okay, so my mind is completely blown right now. So many questions that are formed with the previous books are now being answered. Like who the hell is Kody? Yeah, she becomes Nick's semi-girlfriend, but who is she? Where is she from? Why is she so secretive? I'm not even sure I should tell you some of the answers. As I'm reading, I'm starting to think I shouldn't read it. I still have Styxx to read for the Dark Hunter series and this last chapter I just read made me wonder if I read a spoiler. I have no idea how to react right now. I told you, my mind is completely blown with some of these answers. Who would of thought going to an alternate universe would answer some hardcore questions? Anyways, we finally found out how Nick was able to be transported and why. Its no other reason then to kill him. The enemy is also no who you think it is in the beginning. The enemy is actually related to Kody in some way, and now they are out to kill her along with Nick. I've only read two chapters since my last post and holy crap, a lot happens in those two chapters. It has you so hooked that you don't even notice how far you have gotten until you close the book. I just want to know if they succeed in getting Nick back to his normal life in order to save the world. They have to or else it would just make it a really good book with a really dumb ending. But I'm going to have my mind blown even more as I try to finish this book. So until next time....
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