
Don't mind me since all I'm doing in eating mac & cheese while starting a new book as I sit across the table from my baby sister. It's so good to be home. Especially after a boring night at work. Anyways, I just read the first page of the book and it reminded me right away what the first book was all about besides the leader of their pack finding his mate. Like the fact at the very end of the first book one of the pack members get caught by the enemy and that is what this book is about. I love it when books take off right where the last one left off. It keeps the story line going.
Three chapters in and it's already getting interesting. I like books that are like that. They don't mess around and get straight to the action. I have to admit that some books start off like that and then once you get to the middle, you are falling asleep from the slow boredom the book is giving you. You just never really know about a book until you actually read it. Anyways, I have high hopes for this lovely book. And I have to admit that I did read the back a little. I had to, it was taunting me. Anyways, we are going to have a broken man on our hands that need mending. Too bad I'm only three chapters in so I can't tell you much. Maybe next post.
I'm halfway through the book. And, I have to say that things are getting interesting. I'm also really surprised on how fast I caught up on reading this book after a weekend of not reading. That just says on how good the book is getting. Anyways, our leading lady Rowan is going through a lot. With her little brother rescued and healing, she has her hands full with her concern for Aric as well. With her pull towards him undeniable, things get a little steamy when she discovers she shares the same gift as her brother. Nothing like using your gift to have a sexy moment with the guy while you sleep and then finding out to have it be as close to being real with all the effects in play. But our leading man Aric is in a bit of denial when it comes to having a mate. Also he is doing the stupid noble thing and not telling his mate that she is actually his mate. The guy is willing to die instead of telling her what is all going on. I agree with everyone in the book and think that he should just tell her and let her come to terms on her own. Just like in the first book with Jax. Of course Aric's death might come sooner then later if he keeps throwing himself in front of Rowan to protect her from attacking bat like demons. This next half is going to be interesting.
I'm making good time in catching up on my reading. I'm nearly done with the book already and you know what that means. This is the last post for the book. I'm not going to tell you the ending because that would make it too easy. Also, I want you dying to know whether or not Aric finally caves and tells Rowan everything. I'm at the point in the book where he is having a tough time doing normal things. The guy is about ready to collapse and is still going against everyone's wishes. Also, I'm kind of wondering when Rowan will decide that her life back home is nothing compared to the world her brother is a part of. Who wants normal anyways? Give me a life that keeps me on my toes all day long any day. Really hope that Rowan thinks so soon because I'm starting to like Aric. But go read the book and the first one if you haven't. Both books have a pretty good story line and so does the whole entire series. The next book is something I will have to request the moment I get the chance. I wonder who is going to be next. My money is on our panther-shifter Kalen. Only because is titled Black Moon or something like that.
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