All Fired Up


Since I have so many Ebooks, I think its time to read them. It would also help having me catch up on my reading goal on Goodreads. Anyways, the only down side to these Ebooks is that I don't know what they are about. I go into these things completely blind. I can't even peak at the back to get a little hint on what the book is about. It is just all completely a guessing game. Kind of makes it more fun in away. Anyways, my latest read is All Fired Up. So far I've only read the first chapter and I didn't get much. All I got was that we have this company that helps men be romantic and that the latest client is completely clueless. And I'm not saying about being romantic, he is completely clueless about the girl he is dating. Honestly I'm not sure why the girl is with him. The guy is an idiot. It also doesn't help that he is two timing our leading lady with one of her co-workers. Shocker there, not. But I'm kind of curious on how this story is going to play out. We all know she is going to fall for one of the guys at the romance company called DreamMakers. We just don't know which one. So until next time........


 Defiantly not a book meant to be read in public. Its super detailed for certain parts. I really need to stop reading these kinds of books. They aren't good for my health. If you know what I mean. Anyways I am kind of curious on how this book is going to play out. Things just get more interesting the more I read the book. But lets get talking about the book. Well, we know that we have a company that helps men with special dates and events. Of course while doing recon works, our leading man Parker takes on more then he can handle. He ends up having the hots for our leading lady at first sight. It actually takes him by complete surprise. Anyways our leading lady finally comes to her senses about a third of the way through the book. With a little help with her carefree best friend. But I don't her best friend wanted our leading lady to end up sleeping with our leading man and his best friend just hours into her new found single life. And that is where things start to get really steamy in the book. Like I need to take a break from reading just to cool down kind of steamy. But sadly our leading lady's good mood got smothered by her stupid brainless ex because he still doesn't know anything about her. At least she has Parker to turn to when she wants her favorite flowers. I just wonder how and when Parker is going to tell her the truth. So until next time......


 So I only have one chapter left out of this book and things get a little crazy. And it all has to do with Lynn's ex-boyfriend who actually turns out to be a complete psycho. Good thing she got out of that relationship and into the arms of Parker. Sadly that only mad the guy more crazy. Anyways, I like the book. Its was pretty good. A lot of steamy moments. Funny moments took. But it defiantly hints at the next book in the series. Which is pretty cool. But I suggest you go check this book out. Its pretty good. I liked it a lot and I wish I could say more, but I don't want to ruin anything. So until next time...

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