
I couldn't wait anymore. Its been sitting on the table calling my name,
so I had to pick it up. Who the hell cares that I'm already reading two
other books? I've been waiting for like ever to read this book. I love
this series. I know I'm a few books behind in the series, but that is
not by choice. Anyways, I'm pretty far in already because I can't put it
down. Nothing like reading about former lovers being forced back
together. And I'm wondering when Fain is going to find out that who he
thinks is his ex-fiance's lover is actually his son. The poor woman
really needs to stop making him think the worse and just tell him before
he ends up killing his own kid. But then that wouldn't make a good
story. So until next time......
I'm breaking down this book in four parts. Why? Because so much happens
that I have to update you guys ever quarter of the book. You all know
how much I love this series. You also know that I've been waiting to
read this book because for some reason Fain is like my all time fave
character. Not sure why. But anyways, things happen quick. Since I last
told you about my starting of the book, Fain has figured out all on his
own that he has a son. That scene is a little funny. Also you find out
why Fain called off his pledge and how he regrets it dearly. Also the
people Fain is now apart of are not very welcoming to their guest and
likes to harass them. The whole situation rubs him the wrong way. But on
the bright side, he has a chance to make things right. Wonder who he is
going to do that. So until next time......
Before I even talk about the book, I'd like to say that I'm not going to
Kcon. My mother refuses to budge on giving me money to go see Got7. It
makes me highly sad. Anyways, my sadness was short lived due to the fact
that B.A.P. is coming to the US. I'd chose them over Kcon any day. But
enough of talking about my Kpop obsession. Lets talk about the real
reason you are here, Born of Betrayal. I have no idea what I told you
the last time, but I guess if I repeat myself, you all will tell me.
Right? So we all know that Fain has a son by this point in the book.
They are all at the Travali base and ran into a few problems. But the
biggest problem they have to face is the fact that there is a traitor
among them. Some one is giving out information that shouldn't be leaked.
Even though it should be a happy time because Fain is finally being
accepted into the family he had abandoned, it can't be when he is now
fearing their lives. Not only with the traitor among them, but also Fain
is a walking time bomb. Literally. If he pisses off the wrong person,
Boom! Poor guy. All he ever wanted was to be accepted. Sorry that I
couldn't write more. I have to head to bed because I have a lot to do
tomorrow before work. So until next time...
Twice in the past two chapters Sherrilyn Kenyon gave me a heart attack.
Twice. Why you got to make me think you are killing everyone? I know its
during a war and what not, but why you got to be killing people?
Especially all of the main characters of the series? Not cool. Anyways,
things are getting really intense in the book now. War is at it fullest
right now. Places that hold loved ones are being destroyed. An
unexpected friend surfaces. Well, I wouldn't call him a friend. But that
is besides the point. But all of this happens after a very happy time.
Seems like things were going to be okay and that everyone was going to
be happy. And then assassins are taken out before they could do their
job, a royal palace that was holding everyone's loved ones gets blown
up, and the orphanage at the Travali base gets blown up. Lots of tears
get shed and maybe some relief as well. But the book is getting so good
that I'm to the point that I can't put it down. Also this is most likely
going to be my last post on the book. Only because I don't want to ruin
anything. I know I suck. But go check out the book if you haven't yet.
Also if you haven't even read the series or even started, I suggest you
go do that. You will not be disappointed. Sherrilyn gets two thumbs up
from me and that isn't just because she is one of my favorite writers.
So until next time.......
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