
I don't remember what the book is about. Honestly I don't know what the
book is about. I just saw that it was an Abbi Glines book and I wanted
to read it. No ands, if, or buts. But knowing Abbi Glines, its going to
be a good book. You know I like an author when I buy their books and
keeps them. But, I'm off to actually learn what this book is about. So
until next time.....
Its quite interesting reading a book completely blind. I didn't even
read the back. Okay that was a lie, I read the back when I was like a
third of the way in the book. Anyways, our book is told through the eyes
of our main character, Sadie White. She is forced to work a domestic
job due to the fact that her mother thinks that since she is pregnant,
she doesn't have to do a damn thing. I totally feel bad for Sadie since
she is expected to do everything while her mom sits at home and
continues to be irresponsible. Anyways, due to the fact that her mom is a
lazy bum, Sadie was able to make friends and also meet a famous rock
star, Jax Stone. I think the name is cool. Anyways, they agreed to be
friends, but lines got crossed when Sadie almost ended up dating a
co-worker. It appears that a little jealousy makes Jax go after what he
wants, even if he knows that Sadie deserves someone who won't drop her
once the summer ends. Sadly, he is is selfish and can't stay away from
her. Sadie now has a boyfriend and she even admits that she is falling
for him. That means she is going to be heart broken no matter what he
does. So there are two options this book is going to end in. Jax and
Sadie find a way to make the whole dating a rockstar thing work, or he
leaves her heart broken and her co-worker comes in to save the day. I
wonder what the outcome will be. I'm all for the whole dating a rockstar
thing to work, and that is for personal reasons. So until next
A fricken song made me cry. And, it's not even a real song. I didn't
think it was possible. Anyways, I finished Breathe and I curse it for
having a fake song that brought tears to my eyes. I'm am such a sucker
for romance. No doubt about it. Now I want a fricken song written about
me. Thanks Abbi Glines. Anyways, I must explain what happened before we
even get to the song that made me cry. So lets rewind a bit. With my
last post I had stopped reading when Jax took Sadie to their first date.
One benefit of dating a famous rockstar is that you can watch a movie
before its released in a movie theater before its even opened. I want to
be that famous. Anyways, things got a little heated in the movie
theater, but Jax was a gentleman and broke it off before it got too
serious. Then came a party that Sadie was invited to that was full of
Jax Stone fans. Made it a little rough in the beginning, but it smoothed
out towards the end. Or, so they thought. But, they have to go on one
more date at a fancy restaurant before all hell breaks loose. When I say
all hell breaks loose, I mean Sadie is no longer invisible like she
wanted. She even got a taste at how heartless and ridiculous the media
can be. Its one of the down sides to being famous, but she did sign up
for it. But, the news ended up making Jax dump Sadie and run. Broke the
girl's heart to the point she didn't eat or drink for three days. Talk
about being dramatic. I didn't even do that when my ex broke my heart
that bad. But, I guess I'm tougher then Sadie. Anyways, after Sadie gets
out of her depression, she gets a baby brother. It causes more problems
for her. Also while she was out with her co-worker, Marcus and a friend
of his, they just so happen to mention a song that was written about
her. Its the fricken song that made me cry, because it kept coming back
and being mentioned. It wouldn't go away. Also I could so feel what was
going on in that song. Complete tear jerker moment. So Sadie goes
through juggling three things at once, and then ends up passing out. Jax
then comes back as soon as he finds out the girl is in a coma in the
hospital. Why did it take Sadie being in the hospital to make Jax come
back is beyond me? The guys is a fricken idiot. Anyways, he sings her
out of her coma and then decides that they were going to make their
relationship work. That made me happy and I might have teared up a
little too. I know there is a sequel to this book and I'll be requesting
it as soon as I can. I have a huge reading list that I can't seem to
knock down because I keep wanting to add on to the list. I might have a
slight reading problem. Its just as bad as my Mountain Dew addiction.
But, I'm off to read a chapter out of another Abbi Glines book called
The Vincent Brothers. Apparently is a sequel to The Vincent Boys. So
until next time.....
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