
For those who are curious on the book I'm trying to read, it's Crave.
I'm actually not that far because I live in a house where reading is
apparently frowned upon. This makes me sad. Grandmother's can be so mean
sometimes. Anyways, the book is about a girl, who's name seems to
escape me. She was born with a rare disease where she basically can't do
much of anything. She can only last through school three days a week
and she doesn't get to be able to participate in after school
activities. She even only has friends because she is sick. Anyways she
starts getting a new type of treatment and to her she feels incredible
afterwards. Its like she can finally be normal. But when she does try to
be normal, everyone tells her she can't because it is too dangerous.
I'm at that point where she is telling her friend to pretty much shove
it. There is also a little side effect with this treatment. She is
getting visions of a boy's life. She is not sure why, but it is driving
her to be just as strong as him. So that is about it right now. I am not
that far into it yet. Like I said, I live in a house where reading is
frowned upon. But I'll try to sneak in some more chapters today. So
until next time....
It feels like that the last bit of books I got from the library aren't
keeping my interest. Crave is actually a very interesting book and I'm
sure it will pick up later on. The only problem with that is that I
don't have much patience. I want to be drawn into the book right away or
a few chapters in. Right not it is all the same. Sick girl, who's name
is Shay, gets a transfusion and she gets a vision about a guy named
Gabriel. After the transfusion she feels unstoppable and does things
that she usually wouldn't do. Even get sent to the principal's office.
So, pretty boring at the moment. In order for me to get all of my books
done before Sweet Reckoning comes in. I will have to stop reading this
book that is taking for ever for me to read. It takes me like two days
just to read one chapter. I can't blame my grans for this one anymore.
Its just taking that long to read it. So if I were to rate the book
right now. I'd get three stars from me. I'm giving it the benefit of the
doubt, but I'm not going to finish reading it. Maybe one of you can
tell me the ending of the book or what it is about. Well I'm off to go
read one of the other books I have, so I can go back to reading Styxx.
So until next time.....
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