
I'm also nice enough to post a picture to remind you what book I'm talking about. Anyways, our main character Savannah has found out that she is half vampire and half witch. Apparently she is the only one of her kind, and no one knows what is going to happen. And you know what happens when people don't know anything about it, they are practically shaking in their socks. Such a shame. Also you get a hint on how Tristan feels about Savannah. The boy has it bad is all I'm saying. I didn't get too far when I first started reading this book again. My grans isn't doing too well since she got home from her surgery last week. But I'll try to read more. Also if you haven't noticed, my mom made a new post for Glimmerglass. She was dragging her feet on it, so I made her do it. Then she couldn't remember anything she read. Maybe if she made her post sooner, we wouldn't have this problem. Anyways, go check out that post. I'm going to head out and pray that my mom takes me to go meet some authors on September 7th in Chicago. It would be really cool to get Beautiful Disaster signed by Jamie McGuire herself. So until next time....
Even though Crave is a good book and I think I'm going to finish it. The only problem that I have with it is that it feels like it is dragging on. Like I'm pulling teeth. Don't get me wrong, the book is good. You have the main character going through a lot of changes right now. Like the fact that she loves dancing, but its a risk to her father's kind. It is so risky that the vampire council came to her dance try outs and told the judges not to put her on the team. Of course Savannah doesn't understand and thinks that the world is out to get her. That everyone should actually let her have a life. But I get she is still a child that is at that age where the world is coming to an end when everything goes wrong. It just gets kind of old with those kinds of books. Anyways, the book is good and I'm going to take a break from reading it. I'm about halfway and it dragging on so much that I just don't want to read it. Kind of like reading Styxx. But, I think that has to do with Styxx being like 900 pages. So I'm going to read Twisted Perfection by Abbi Glines for now. I have a feeling I'm going to breeze right through the book. That will be a good thing. So until next time.....
Okay so I went back to reading Crave for like a day. At least I was able
to get pretty far to be able to tell you what is going on in the book.
Sav basically tried out for her school's dance team. Only it was against
the vampire councile and she didn't make the team. But, she did find a
loophole and ended up becoming a manager for the dance team. So she'll
be able to feel like she belongs and not have to break any rules. Also
Sav got a boyfriend. Tristan is hating every moment of it also. But I
have a feeling that its not going to stop Sav and Tristan from being
This book has been sitting on my table collecting dust. Leave to the fact that its due in like a week to make me read it again. I also have to admit that I had to look up the book in my past posts to remind me what the book is about and what is going on. That is really sad. So no more stalling with this book, I have to finish it or else I might have a riot outside of my house because I haven't finished this book. Some of you probably have forgotten all about this book. I think it's been like a month since I read it. Also as I was going through my recent posts, I can't help that in some I have really bad grammar or you have no idea what I'm saying. Its like my posts all got jumbled up. I probably look like an illiterate idiot in those posts. I really need to pay attention to what I'm actually writing. So I'm going to read Crave and actually finish it. That is my goal. If I end up stop reading it again, you have the right to slap me as many times as you see fit. I'm kidding by that last statement. So keep an eye out for more posts on Crave. So until next time.....I'm making this post to help us all remember what the book is about and what is going on. I can't guarantee that I'll be right on the dot since I'm doing this all from memory. Okay, lets begin. The story starts out with our main character Savannah, who is pretty much an outcast at her school. She also has failed in every sport possible at school, even resulting to ruining the gym roof with a volleyball. Anyways, she has a secret crush on Tristan. He's one of the most popular guys in school and is part of this whole group called The Clann. Apparently the Clann created the town that they live in and Tristan just so happens to be the son of the head of the Clann. Anyways, Savannah ends up getting sick for a week. That is due to the fact that her true self was trying to break free. I say true self because she just so happen to be half witch and half vampire. One of a kind as far as they know. Also something that The Clann and Vampire Council both agree on as being bad. So in the struggle of adjusting to her new self, Savannah decides to try out for the dance team for her school. She doesn't make the team of course, because the Vampire Council got word about it and told the judges to not put her on the team. Savannah was then forced to apply to be a team manager instead. It works in her favor and she still feels like she is part of the team. After joining the dance team in a way, Savannah snags herself a boyfriend. Tristan finds out about it and he just can't keep his jealousy in check. But luckly Savannah's relationship doesn't work out after she makes the mistake of using her vampire powers on her boyfriend and makes him highly obsessive with her. Tristan ends up getting a charm that will steer Savannah's boyfriend from her after she breaks up with him. Then one of the other boys that are part of the Clann decide to test Tristan to the point they start fighting and Tristan gets taken off of the football team. He could see his dreams of being in the NFL falling away from his grasp. So Tristan then signs up to help out the dance team, giving him the advantage of being closer to Savannah. I guess its a good thing if Tristan has a crush on Savannah. The rules say that they are supposed to stay away from each other, but they can't help it if they work together. Maybe these two will end up together by the end of the book yet. Rules be damned. So until next time....

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