Every Last Breath


Everything is on hold. Why? Because I just got my hands on a book that I've been dying to read. Its still freshly on the market by being out for only a week and a half. I've heard some good things about this book and I just know its going to be good. Best series so far by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Even though the Lux series was pretty good and I hadn't read the other series she has, this one still takes the cake. I am dying to see who she chooses. I'm one hundred percent Team Roth right here. If any of you know who she picks in the end, don't tell me. It would ruin the book if you do. But I'm really excited to get this book opened and get back into the world of gargoyles and demons. But I'm going to head out right now, I'm already on the 13th page of the book and its already getting good. So until next time.......

 There are so many secrets in this book right now and I'm only one chapter five. Its killing me. I want answers, not more secrets. I don't even want more questions on what is going on in the book. Who is Layla going to pick? What did Cayman whisper to Layla? How are they going to defeat the big bad demon? How are they going to save Sam's soul? Where does Layla go after all of this is done with? Most important question of all that I have said before, WHO THE HELL IS SHE GOING TO PICK? I can't take it anymore. I must know. I hope its Roth. They guys is doing some things that even make my heart go pitter patter. Come on. Even the words he whispered to her when she was healing from a fatal wound was amazing. He even says some more pretty amazing words in this book. Team Roth for the win. So until next time.....


 This is a bitter sweet moment. I'm halfway through the book. I say bittersweet because I am almost done with the book and have almost all of my answers. But I don't want the book to end. Anyways, Layla made her choice on who she wants to be with. I ended up doing a happy dance at that point and was tempted to jump in the book and slap the sore loser. Hopefully the sore loser will come around and at least try to make things right with Layla. Anyways the book is getting really exciting. Layla fights her jerk-of-a-father, he then gets killed by the bad demon on the loose (Not sure why yet), Layla finds out she can get Sam's soul and send it to where it belongs, and Roth turns into a big party pooper. Come on, we all know that is what Layla is thinking at this point in chapter thirteen. Honestly maybe he isn't? I haven't finished the chapter quite yet to know. But I'm pretty sure he is a party pooper. But I'm going to head out right now and see if he really is a party pooper or not. So until next time......


 Its sad to see that I am almost done with the book and the whole series. I really enjoyed it. More then enjoyed, I loved it. Also Roth is not a party pooper. Anyways, I have like thirty pages left of the book and I can't tell you everything that has happened. I wish I could but that would just ruin the whole book. But I can give you little bits our of the story line. Starting with that Roth is not a party pooper, Layla meets Grim and her mother, Roth looses Bambi, all hell breaks loose at a makeshift church, someone dies again, Layla learns something big to save the world and Roth tries to talk her out of it, Layla makes a sacrifice, and that is about it. There is more but that would just ruin the book. But this is defiantly a book I'd recommend for everyone to read. In fact I'd recommend the whole series if you haven't read it. I just can't wait to see what else Jennifer L. Armentrout has in store for us. But until then I'll have to catch up on everything else she has written. So until next time....

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