
My first impression of this book is that I remember absolutely nothing from the last book. Except that they were found out and blah blah blah. Anyways, the main characters start of as being married. I don't even remember Gabriel proposing to Julia. I was pretty confused at first. But I got past my confusion because I need time to analyze what I'm reading. Like the fact that Gabriel wants to have children. Which makes Julia panic. Only because she wants to finish school first, but maybe it's best that she doesn't end up as a Dante expert like Gabriel. She is only in it because of him anyways. Anyways, I know it is going to talk me forever to read this book. It always does when it comes to this series. Only because there are moments that I want to slap the leading lady for being such a dependent whiner. Like right now. I want to jump into the book and yell at her saying that Gabriel just wanted to let you know that he was thinking about having kids. There is no need to panic over it. Also instead of have an inner battle with herself, she should talk to Gabriel about it. He is her husband after all. I'm sorry Sylvain Reynard, but your book is already annoying the hell out of me.
I'm just going to flat out say it. I hate this book. It took me forever to read the first two, so I don't know why I have to torture myself with this one. Don't get me wrong, the books are good. I just hate them. I think it has to do with the way the author maid the main characters. There is something about a whiney dependent main female character that really drives me insane. Especially when you throw in a short tempered controlling lead male. To me, it feels really over used and I think it's time where we have a wimpy weak nerdy guy that is dependent on a strong willed woman. I'm sure there are books like that out there, I just haven't found it yet. Either way. I'm not going to promise that I'm actually going to finish this book. I might actually return it today because I just can't do it. This is a book I would go to if I needed some material for a good nap. But I'm sure you guys would love this series. Don't have my words lead you away from one of your potential favorite books. I'm just not into this kind of book really. I need more action and less complaining. But you guys give the book a shot. Go read it and see if you like it or not. Maybe this is your cup of tea and want to dream about having a strong influential man to satisfy your deepest desires.
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