
Anyways, the book I'm now reading is Good For You by Tammara Webber. I
have pretty much read all of her books so far. I believe I have only two
more to go and one just came out. I think, I'm not swearing on that.
Anyways, Good For You is the third installment of the In Between The
Lines Series. From what I've read on the back, the book is mainly
focused on Reid. Apparently he was a bad boy and ended up doing
community service. He then meets a girl named Dori and that is all about
I remember from reading the back. We all know that Reid missed out on a
chance with Emma in the former books, and lost her to Graham. Of
course, even though the guy did the right thing, he still lost. Also
Brooke lost out, but that is what the girl gets for doing what ever it
takes to get the guy. I kind of wish that her and Reid had worked out,
because the two are perfectly made for each other. So, I'm going to read
this book, and I'll post when I'm a third of the way through the book.
So until next time....
So here is the low down on the book. Reid had a little too much to
drink, and was dumb enough to drive while drunk. It ended up with him
crashing into a house. You pretty much learn this when Reid wakes up in a
hospital. Of course his dad is beyond ticked. The man has the right to
be since Reid's first question is whether or not the car is okay. Reid's
mom is kind of in denial and wants to 'fix' the problem. But, then you
have to pay attention because the point of view changes to Dori within
the second page. The poor girl has her hands full when you are first
introduced to her. I'm assuming that she is helping out with a church or
something like that. You also can't help but feel sorry for the girl
when the group of kids she is helping out with end up being a huge
handful. Poor girl. Anyways, the book goes back to Reid's point of view.
Basically its his thoughts on what is taking place for his punishment
for destroying a house. And, then it moves back to Dori. Just so happens
that the house that Reid crashed into was the house she was helping out
with for a family in need. Also I've learned that her father is a
pastor. I believe this is all going to get interesting quick. So due to
Reid's poor life choices he is now stuck working with Dori on the house
he destroyed. Their first time meeting makes you think that Dori is
about to kill the guy right where he stands. Poor Reid. The guy never
stood a chance.Of course, it doesn't help his case by going to parties,
doing community service hungover, and flirt with every girl that walks
by. By day three, Reid and Dori have a little spat. Both end up angry,
and one even ends up slamming a few doors. You can see that these two
are complete opposites, but isn't there a saying that opposites attract.
These guys never saw it coming. So until next time.....
Okay, so lets talk about the book I'm currently reading. It is actually
taking me longer to read due to the fact that no one leaves me alone in
my house. Its like the moment I put on my headphones and open the book
is the moment that everyone suddenly wants to talk to me or wants me to
do something. It gets so annoying sometimes. Anyways, I'm now halfway
through the book and not much has happened. Reid is pretty much growing
on Dori like fungus. She even ends up breaking up with her boyfriend
after almost kissing him after Reid caught her in front of all the
cameras. It wasn't Dori's fault that someone pushed her because they
were too focused on cameras to notice someone else standing there. Kind
of made me want to possess Dori and give that girl a piece of my mind.
Anyways, Reid has become determined to make Dori his because he has come
to the realization that he likes the challenge. Also his old co-star
Tadd seems to have helped him get into that state of mind. So things are
starting to get complicated between them now that they both realize
that they have a strong attraction to each other. I cut off where Reid
pretty much traps Dori into going on a date with him. She is pretty much
in panic mode now. I on the other hand am quite curious on how this
date will turn out. So until next time....
I think I'm just going to cut right to the chase with the book. So it's
date night with Reid and Dori. The date wasn't in great detail but it
was still cute, in a way. I'm waiting for the time these two finally
confess their feelings for each other. Right now, Reid is beating around
the bush and Dori is in denial, sort of. But their date does end with a
kiss. Of course the whole experience confuses the hell out of Dori.
Poor girl. Of course, Reid isn't immune to what is going on either.
Anyways, I'm starting to really dislike Reid's best friend. Reid is
starting to change for the better, but his friend wants him to continue
partying and sleeping around. What kind of friend does that? If the guy
wants to stop his old habits, let him change with out throwing a hissy
fit. Anyways meanwhile Reid is off shooting a new film and trying not to
beat up his best friend, Dori's sister ends up having an accident at
work and it doesn't look good. Apparently she ended up in a coma, and
Dori has a right to question it. I think there is more to the accident
then what meets the eye. But I could be wrong. Anyways, in order to
escape her pain and worries about her sister, Dori goes out with her
friends and ends up getting really drunk. She even almost leaves with a
complete stranger. And as if fate was at play, Reid just so happen to be
at the same club as her and prevented her from doing a walk of shame
the next morning. She still felt horrible for her choices, but at least
she knew the person when she woke up. I think she also thought she was
glad that she wasn't taken advantage of. So Reid gives her some clean
clothes that don't smell like a bar, they just so happened to be his
mother's clothes. Giving the excuse for her to want to return the
clothes and a chance for Reid to take her out on a date again. They go
on their second date and Dori's parents are starting to disagree with
her relationship with Reid. I honestly don't think this is fair in any
sense. They are pretty much judging the guy before they even get the
chance. Sounds like my grans when I mention a certain musician around
the house. People can be so judgmental. Anyways, I'm almost done with
the book. I have about sixty pages left, so I'll wrap up the posts for
this book. Also I'd like to remind everyone that I pretty much talk
about books as if it were actually real life. I even do it in person. My
mom sometimes seems to forget that and gives me weird looks. I just
tell her not to judge. Anyways, I like the book. Its cute. I know I got
one more book to read in this series and rumor has it that Brooke is
going to cause some problems in Reid's new relationship with Dori. Makes
me kind of excited to read the book. Also help me choose the next book I
read buy voting on the poll. My adviser/mom is getting annoyed that I
keep asking her and then pick the opposite book of her choice. I really
need to stop doing that. So until next time.....
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