
So I'm only a quarter of the way through the book Half-Blood and I can't help but think that it is highly similar to Vampire Academy. Sure it's not exactly a like but it still has the same kind of leading lady. Only this leading lady was taken out of school by her mother that later died due to the lack of protection. But she does get dragged back to school and questioned why she left. Also, her future gets put on the line and she has to behave the whole entire time she is back at school. Also, she has to train in order to catch up to what everyone else has learned in the fighting department. Similar to Vampire Academy. Even the forbidden instructor and best guy friend are similar. But this series might have a different outcome compared to Vampire Academy. I just had to point out that I am getting a serious case of Deja Vu. Which might be a good thing because I liked Vampire Academy, so I am bound to like this one too.8/23/17
This took me so much longer to read than it should have. I blame the fact that I was busy going through my grans' stuff and setting up a garage sale. Also, I had to squeeze in some of my Korean lessons. Either way, I'm finally almost done with the book. Now if only I could remember what I had mentioned in my last few posts. Oh well. If I miss something, you guys can read the book and learn about the book yourself. Anyways, I highly enjoyed the book. There was a place where it dragged on a bit, but it was still pretty good. We had a bit of a steamy moment. Some people died and other did actually die. Something was learned about the enemy. Our main character finds out what all of the hype is about her that made her stepfather bring in a very powerful person to her school. She even almost dies but escapes with her life and her best friends life. A lot happens that I can't tell you about really or it would just ruin the book. But I do highly recommend to start this series like I did. I know half of you have probably read the book already, but for those who didn't, go read it. I look forward to the second book. But if I had to be honest here, I would probably still give it four stars. Not five because it didn't grip at my heart like some books have. Maybe the more I read the series, the more my heart will get ripped out of my chest.7/22/22
I did say I was a fan of this author. Now today is the test to see if my disappointment in the last book I read by this author was because it was a bad day in writing or did my reading taste change and I no longer love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. I am hoping it's the first one. But I know that my reading taste has changed since my reading hiatus. I just need to figure out what it is. Anyways, I know I had the novella that was before this book that explained a little bit of the background. Do I remember any of it? Not at all. It's been like two or three years since I read it. I'm sure I have a few posts about it somewhere on here. But I am curious about this book. See if it will spark my memory and tell me that I am still a big fan of Jennifer L. Armentrout. Wish me luck.
Have I read this book before? Apparently, according to my posts in 2017. Do I remember everything? Not at all. I don't even remember reading the book. So imagine my surprise when I found it already added to my Jennifer L Armentrout's Books page. My thought was that I had started to read it and just didn't finish it. That it is just a draft of a time I was too overwhelmed with life and lost my interest in reading. That was not the case. I had finished the book and I don't remember anything. I should really get my head checked out. Anyways now the whole book was to see if it would spark any memory at all. What a journey we had. To be honest, I'm only half way through the book. The more I read this book the more I mix it up with Vampire Academy. It appears I remember that book series more than this one. Anyway we have our main character, Alex, pretty much trying to survive after her mother is killed by vampire like creatures called Daimons. But they aren't vampires because they don't drink blood but a thing called aether, which is kind of the life force of the people in this book. Now I don't exactly remember what they are but I do remember its something related to the Greek gods. Anyway we have two classes in this world. The pure-bloods and the half-bloods. Pure-bloods are the elite class and are really important and control all of the laws. Half-bloods are the people that guard the Pure-bloods from the daimons. Also the Half-bloods are seen as like second class citizens by the Pure-bloods and something that can be easily replaced because there is so many of them. Anyway our lead character returns to the school she was taken out of by her mother three years prier. No one knows why her mother decided to do that and I don't think we will ever know. But Alex meets with her uncle who is the new dean of the school and the news isn't good. He was ready to kick her out of school and send her to be a slave for her step-father. But thanks to some help from the people who brought her back to the school was able to convince her uncle to give her one more chance. Now Alex has to train all summer in hopes to catch up with her class while trying to keep a good clean record. It's not easy since Alex likes to act before she thinks. Also she may have a crush on her training partner Aiden, who is a pure-blood. I forgot the mention that it is forbidden to have the pure-bloods and the half-bloods date. No one knows why, but some believe that it is the gods' will to not mix the bloodlines. Anyway the book is kind of blah and I know the younger me loved the book but now I don't know. I guess we will see when I finish the book.
I've decided to not finish reading this book. The more I read it the more I remember and I feel like I don't need to read anymore. I've even skimmed the last few chapters and kind of got the understanding of the book. Also sadly due to the fact that the book didn't keep me entertained because my reading taste has changed that much, the book is getting two stars this time around. The book is pretty much about a girl who tries to catch up to her classmates in a risk of getting expelled if she can't. She then develops feelings for her training partner who is off limits because he is a pure-blood while she is a half-blood. She also finds out her mother isn't dead and she must face the fact that she might have to kill her mother. Then there is another thing that is pretty predictable in the book but I can't voice it because it will ruin the book. Not much to say about this book. But if you want to read it, go ahead. You might love it but I think I loved it before my hiatus because I was going through a phase. Who knows? But the book got two stars from me.
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