
I'm currently reading like five books at once, so bare with me with all
the posts I'm doing lately on all the different books I'm reading. I'm
trying to make up for lost time. And since I'm pretty sure that everyone
has read the series already, I'm just going to jump right into talking
about the book. If you want a recap on the series or any series that I'm
reading, just let me know. I'll do a post strictly dedicated to the
recap that you want. Anyways, lets get talking about Indigo Spell. So
Sydney gets invited to a wedding. Its supposedly strictly just
business, but she can't help but enjoy everything around her. She has to
do it on the sly because her boss is there, but she isn't as hostile
towards it like a fellow alchemist. Also she has no idea how to act with
Adrien practically throwing himself at her. Poor girl. But I give him
props for being determined. Honestly I don't think anyone knows how to
handle Adrien when he puts his mind to something. I'm still waiting for
when those two finally end up together. So until next time.....
So I'm back to reading The Indigo Spell. You know that book from that
one series that I'm sure everyone has read. Anyways, I'm back to reading
it. Its the last library book I have at the house and then I'll be
picking up yet another book from way back when. So back that I haven't
talked about it since the beginning of my failed website. Anyways, we'll
see how this all goes down while I wait for the books in the series I
was reading to come out. I hate waiting games, but at least I can get
some of my To-Be-Read list cut down. So until next time.....
Honestly I don't remember what I've told you guys about the book so far.
So I guess I'll just have to do it from the beginning. So here we go.
Sydney goes to a wedding. Adrian makes a scene by asking her to dance
with him. Sydney then does a spell to find Marcus. Typical school stuff
then happens before Sydney goes looking for Marcus and does some witch
hunting. Both don't end well. Marcus agrees to give answers if Sydney
agrees to join his group. Sydney still does some witch hunting but only
after Adrien's car gets vandalized. There is more that happened in the
middle of the book, but I'm not going to tell you all of it. For those
who haven't read it can't be told everything told in the book, also
those who have read it already know what goes down. So whats the point
in saying everything. Also I snuck a few pages of Sign in, because I'm
nice like that. Yes, I have found the book. It was under a whole bunch
of papers on my mother's desk. So until next time...
This is most likely going to be my last post on this book. I have less
then a hundred pages left for it anyways and this is pretty much where
things getting really interesting. Am I going to tell you about any of
it? No, because I want those who haven't read the book yet to read it.
But I'll be requesting the next book as soon as I'm almost finished with
Rapture. Anyways, right now in the book Sydney is on a mission to steal
some information from the group she is a part of. Nothing like using
the guy who has the hots for her to get what she wants. Wonder how he
would react when he finds out that she was actually seeing a vampire
behind everyone's back. Also we still have that witch problem. But I'm
heading out because I have lots to do. So until next time.....
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