Okay if you read Rule like I did, you learn that Rule has a friend named Jet. Jet is pretty much a musician. Anyways, you know that Jet moved in with Shaw's best friend Ayden and Rule's other friend Cora. Jet and Ayden have a small history with the fact that Ayden tried to sleep with Jet, but he turned her down. He didn't want to ruin anything or make anything awkward. Understandable. Anyways, a year has passed and the two have formed a friendship, but it is driving them both nuts. So much so that Jet gets highly jealous of Ayden's boyfriend. She ends up breaking up with her boyfriend, but the guy was persistent and went to one of Jet's shows with her. Jet wasn't too happy about it. He stormed off and Ayden went after him. I give the girl props for that. Things go down in a backstage bathroom, and then Jet does something stupid. He screwed up so bad that Ayden ended up crashing at Rowdy's place because she couldn't stand being in the same building as Jet. Rowdy ends up talking sense into Jet and tells him to be at his place in the morning. Rowdy wants Jet to fix things before he looses the best thing that could happen to him. Jet takes Rowdy's words seriously and talks things out with Ayden. They both agreed that they would live day by day or moment by moment. No promises. Just see where their relationship would lead. Smart. Anyways, the next day Jet is on his own since everyone is busy and he goes to his mother's house. He hates seeing the way she lives, and tries to convince her to leave his dad. Jet's dad doesn't get the father of the year award, he isn't even in the running due to the fact that he would rather run off and live like a rockstar. Or, someone who is still twenty instead of like sixty. So Jet then leaves his mom's place and gets a call from Nash. Apparently everyone is getting together to go bowling, because there is nothing else to do. Jet first swings by his place, to find someone run out of the house and Cora waving a taser at the stranger. Apparently the guy knocked, stormed in when Cora answered the door, and then kept asking where 'it' was. Cora got pretty shook up by it. After Cora refusing to call the cops and wanting to continue sulking. Jet dragged her with him to go bowling with the guys. They had a good time and Jet told them what happened at the house. Some deep conversations happened that made Jet really think about his feelings for Ayden. And, I'm leaving it at that. Only because I'm mean like that. So until next time....So here is whats going down on the low down. I know I left with Jet thinking over his relationship with Ayden. Not much to talk about since it then goes to Ayden's point of view. Things finally get intense between her and Jet, and she realizes that now that the line as been crossed, there is no going back. I think Jet knows it too. Sadly Ayden sneaks out early in the morning and goes for a run. While on her run, she just so happens to run into her trouble maker brother Asa. He apparently ran into some trouble back home in Kentucky and is looking for Ayden's help to bail him out of it. She says 'no way' and hopes that was that. After feeling slighted that Ayden pretty much ran from him while he was sleeping, Jet heads off to his studio to work with a band that he has been helping create an album for some time. After talking to Ayden a bit, he realizes that band isn't working great with each other and wants to get to the bottom of it. Ends up the singer is being a spotlight hog, so Jet has to talk some serious sense into him. Then Ayden shows up with food, and Jet ends up have a serious talk with her. He tells her how he felt when he woke up with her gone, she apologizes, and then they both tell each other that they'll lay it all on the table one day. Apparently the talked worked for their relationship, and everything is all good and dandy. Why they are making this more complicated then it should be is beyond me. Anyways, Ayden is pretty happy that she hadn't seen her brother is a few days. But sadly her relief is short lived when she goes the school and there he is, talking to her ex. It was basically his way of playing nice with a hidden warning. Maybe Asa thinks that Ayden is still dating her ex and doesn't know about Jet yet. But, we all know that I'm never right with these kinds of things. One day I'm going to be, hopefully. Either way Asa is being a pain in the ass, even to me and I'm not even in the book. Also it looks like Jet also has trouble on his hands. So much so that he ends up in jail. Story is that Jet's dad started it. All I'm saying, and that this is quite a mess we have here. Wonder how all of it is going to get cleaned up. But, I'm going to head out. So until next time.....
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