Killing Katie


My next read is Killing Katie by B.A. Spangler. The author was nice enough to give me the ebook version of the book. He didn't have to, but it was still nice enough of him to. So I thought I'd return the favor by making it the next book I talk about. I will have to admit that I now nothing about the book though. I've had it on my reading list for a while and I completely forgot that it was there. But at least I'm reading it now. I'll make sure to post more once I've actually read some of the book. So until next time.....


 I really hate to start off talking about a book with a bad post. But I can't help it sometimes. I understand how much work authors put into their work, only to have someone bash it. I'm sure the book is going to improve but right now it is just hard for me to read. So far I've spent eight chapters of a woman debating whether or not to become a murderer. It kind of has been kind of boring and puts me to sleep. I really hate to say it, but I am not liking the book at all right now. Like I said before, I'm sure it will improve because I hate to write anything bad on a book. But it probably will be a  while before I do another post on this book because I'm really dragging my feet on it.


 This book is taking me forever to read. I don't know why, but I'm having a bit of a problem with it. It could be that the story line is a little too slow for me. Or, it could be that I just don't like the book. Honestly I don't even know what the genre of the book is. I should look that up. Is it a mystery? Thriller? Crime Novel? I'm a terrible reader. So I hope to finish this book eventually, just not this month or the next. These kinds of book take me forever to read. Its like I don't want to miss a certain detail. At least now I know why I don't read books of this genre. It takes me too fricken long. So I apologize to the author for being the worst reader on the planet. I know you wanted me to read the book and see what I thought. But now we have learned I am taking way too long then I'd like. I really want to finish the book and see what happens. But I also have no motivation to read it what so ever. Now I'm just sitting around debating if I should just stick through it and finish the book. Or, just give up and hope to finish it at a later time. I really hate myself right now. So until next time.....

9/18/15 - Killing Katie will be continued at a later time. Until then check out the book yourself and see how it is. It is just taking me too long to read it myself. 

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