

Alright I have the third installment of the Stage Dive series. I've been waiting to read this book and I'm not sure when the next one is coming out. Honestly I wasn't sure I was going to get a chance to read this book after what happened with the last book. I still feel horrible for that. Also I'm never putting a book in the microwave to dry anymore, because they just might catch on fire. Anyways, I'd thought I'd let you know what I'm reading now. This is the book I have to read in like seven days or less. Yikes. Wonder if I can pull that off. So until next time.....


 I should be at least halfway through this book by now. Heck I should be done with it by now. But one, I'm still getting over a cold. And two, I've been easily distracted lately. Not sure why. Anyways, I'm enjoying the book quite well. Actually  had to try really hard not to laugh during a part because I didn't want strange looks at me. I'd tell you about the part, but that would ruin the book. Even if it is within the first or second chapter of the book. But I will have to say this. What the hell did Lena, our leading lady, expect to happen after living and being around a guy nonstop for two months. Also she had a feels for Jimmy before they even began this whole agreement. It only made sense that the girl was going to fall head over heals the moment he started opening up to her. Now if only the guy would admit what she really was to him. I'm going to head out because my brother is trying to be funny and is trying to close my computer. So until next time.....


 Anyways, lets get talking about Lead since I finished reading it. For one, I have to say that I love Mal. So sad I never finished that book, but its not like I missed much with the last page. Anyways, the book was pretty predictable. Sad to say. Still loved it. I liked how the author used Mal as a comic release. It was well need to for the drama created by the complicated relationship between Lena and Jimmy. But I'm glad that it all worked out in the end. The way Jimmy begged her to come back could of been a little more romantic, but I'm not complaining. I wish I could say more, but my grans is highly against creativity right now. So until nest time......

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