
So here is what I gathered so far. Its not much since the book it kind of confusing to me and I'm not sure what is going on. Our main character is Bird. Emily Bird to be more exact, but she likes to go by Bird. Anyways, she is part of a group of students that are rich and have connections to some very important people. The books starts off at a party that someone threw in order to help the students get internships and jobs for the summer. You can tell that Bird feels uncomfortable in this lifestyle, but she won't complain in hopes of making her mother happy. She also has a secret crush on the school druggie, Coffee. His real name is Alanso, but I guess he goes by a nickname as well. Anyways, there will be nothing between Coffee and Bird because it would ruin her image, plus she has a boyfriend named Paul. But I think the chapter ends with Paul selling her out to the CIA and pretty much takes her to them. I'm not a hundred percent sure. So far this book is a little complicated for my simple mind. Its interesting. I'll give it that. But I don't think I'm going to care for it much. We will see. I only read the first chapter. Too soon to judge the book right now.
Also I'll got back to reading Original Sin as soon as I finish this book. But, I have a poll going on to see what you think I should read next. Barely Breathing or Love Gone Mad. Both books I've read the first chapter, and both books sound really good right now. So help me pick out my next book by voting. The book with the most votes will be my next book for this blog. I can't wait to see what you guys choose. So until next time.....
Love Is The Drug won't be out until September 30th, but I will be happy to tell you all about it. Okay, maybe not all of it. That would just ruin the book. Anyways, our main character Bird wakes up in a hospital after a night out with her boyfriend. I think I remember telling you that they were invited to a party to get internships and jobs with some very important people. But after some certain events that Bird can't seem to remember, she ends up in the hospital. The story that she was told was that she was drinking and her drink was laced with a homemade drug. She panicked when someone came running after the car and she took over the wheel, making her and her boyfriend get in a car accident. The person who supposedly placed a drug in her drink would be her secret crush Coffee. Bird has a feeling that this story could possibly not true. She knows something in wrong and she wants to remember what really happened. I'm kind of curious on what really happened. Obviously her boyfriend Paul gave her something and in putting the blame on an easy out. Coffee must of seen it all happen, making that a reason too on why the government is now after him. This book just got really interesting.

Nothing like going against the government and getting in contact with a wanted man. Bird was supposed to report to Roosevelt when ever she got in contact with Coffee. Well, she didn't. She feels that he is the only one that is able to tell her what happened. Bird also has a feeling that she is being watched and all this other spying stuff. It is so bad that she doesn't even feel safe enough to call Coffee in her uncle's house or use her cell phone. She broke curfew just so she could call him. She didn't learn much though. Poor girl. Also she has a mother who it acting as if Bird asked to be drugged and that she must apologize to the party host immediately. The woman needs to cut the crap about appearances and be more concerned about her child. Anyways, I finished the chapter with Coffee hanging up on Bird. Also I noticed that each chapter has a name of a drug and it's elemental formula. Its pretty cool. Of course, in order for me to finish this book instead of throwing it on the bookshelf to never read it again. I gave myself a little bit of motivation. Since the chapters are so long, I told myself the for every chapter I read in this book, I can read three chapters out of Opal. Its working so far and I love it.9/6/14
So, Bird went back to school and she is a little confused on what is going on. It also doesn't help when everyone in school is talking about her. Sounds like a normal school. Anyways, students have to line up and get checked everyday because of this huge flu epidemic that is going on. Bird is kind of wondering why they have to go through a pat down and have their things checked. I'm kind of wondering the same thing. Anyways, Bird gets pulled aside to do further testing. She ends up being cleared, and was given some reading material about changing her sleeping habits. What everyone wants when they having sleeping problems. After she is released to go to class, Bird has a sudden urge to see Coffee again. Whether she does or not, is something I am wondering for this chapter. Anyways, her boyfriend Paul is now working for Roosevelt. Also he isn't what he appears to be. Bird is starting to realize that the story isn't matching up with what little she does remember. I didn't realize how much actually happens in the long chapters until I began to write the post along with what I read. Its like after every major event that happens is a major clue to what really happened with Bird. I'm not even done with chapter three, and I feel like I should keep sharing what is going on in the book. Anyways, there is a supposed drill going down at Bird's school. There is actually a lot of security going on for just a little drill, and Bird can't help but think that it's strange. Roosevelt even comes down into the old bomb shelter to remind people that they are still looking for Coffee. Supposedly it's for Coffee's own safety. I believe it is just a bunch of lies and cover up. Coffee might now something he shouldn't and that is why they are after him. Anyways, Roosevelt is really pushing Emily with the whole 'if you hear from or see Coffee contact me right away' thing a little too much. Even that would make me highly suspicious of the guy. If the girl keeps saying that she hasn't heard from the guy or even seen them, its quite obvious that she hasn't. Okay maybe she has heard from him, but still don't keep pushing it. The guy is becoming quite the jerk. Who the heck scares a little girl in hopes of getting information? That is sure one way to tip someone off that you are trying to hide something. Something big. This chapter just made the book more interesting. So until next time...
So, I'm about halfway through the book now and I decided to do something
a little different. Not on here, but when I read the book. Its so I
don't miss anything important when I tell you about the book. I'm now
taking notes as I read. Anyways, I'll tell you about what is going on
with the book. After Roosevelt's little scare tactic stunt, Bird is now
starting to realize that there is too much commotion and need to get
Coffee for just a little drug charge. She is beginning to think that
there has to be more to it. Also Bird is still having some trouble
sleeping because of all of the commotion, but when she does have sleep
she has pretty bad nightmares. She can't remember her dreams and I am
starting to think that her memories are trying to come back, but only in
her dreams. Anyways, Bird goes back to school and she finds out that
one of her classmates Cindy actually saw something at the party. Or, at
least she thinks she saw something. But, she does remember Paul having a
canteen that Bird drank out of and she thinks something was in it. Of
course everyone is saying not to trust Cindy because she's a liar.
Anyways, Bird gets a secret note to meed Coffee at a dock by the river
and she plans on going. She's hoping that he knows something about that
night. When she does meet him, Coffee tells Bird that he took Paul's
canteen and he explains what he saw during the party. So the next day
Bird goes to school and a few exciting things happen. The doctor, that
was helping Bird with her sleeping problem, collapses. Shortly after
that a plane comes flying in the air, dropping some kind of poisonous
gas or mist down on the town. It kind of put everyone in a panic. Of
course, through all of the chaos, Coffee has made himself known. He
apparently made a deal to still go to school. After a little bit of
waiting, Bird finds out that her cousin was part of the targeted area
and was now in the hospital. Bird tries to have Coffee help her get to
her cousin, but he kind of can't with his monitor that he has to wear.
So in desperate measures, she runs to Paul and Roosevelt for help. Paul
pulls through on the help, but she finally confronts him while waiting
to see how her cousin is doing. Afterwards, then she goes to one of her
classmate's mother and asks if she could give her cousin a scholarship
to go to her private school. Of course then Bird runs into Roosevelt and
I think he just threatened her. Maybe you'll get a different meaning
out of his words, but I can swear he just threatened her right after her
and Coffee makes plans to meet up to find out what is in the canteen. I
think Roosevelt's feather's are getting ruffled with the fact that
Coffee and Bird are getting closer to the truth. Especially when they
find out what the drug is that was in the canteen. And, I'll leave it at
that. So until next time.9/8/14
After my slight panic attack over the fact I had a killer spider in my room. Literally it was a killer spider. Apparently it came with my cousin's stuff and now has invaded my room. We can't find it now, which scares me even more. So my room is now off limits until we get spider poison. But that is enough of my spider problems. You are here to learn more about the book. Nothing exciting happens since the last post I made. Only thing going down is that Bird and her cousin are under school arrest. Roosevelt made orders that they weren't supposed to leave the school property. The jerk. Anyways, while hanging out in the library, Coffee tells Bird a little about his past and why he started creating drugs. The whole thing brought the two closer together. The chapter after the heartfelt one, Bird and her friend decided to write down goals, and maybe find a way to get her memory back. I wonder if this is all going to work out. But, I'm still wondering, what does Bird know that everyone thinks she knows? I'm starting to think that she does know something, and she left herself little clues everywhere from that night. I want to finish this book just find out what the heck is going on. Anyways, in Bird's desperation to find out what is going on with Roosevelt, she pretty much comes up with a way to look through the headmistress's computer for answers. Sadly she didn't find much, but she did find a hidden USB in a dead doctor's belongings. Could it be a clue? I also think she just convinced Coffee to use a drug on her to remember. He is still against it, but he knows she won't drop the subject until they at least try it. Meanwhile, apparently one of Bird's classmate's house got hit with the v-flu, the disease that broke out through out town. The classmate lost both of her parents. Also Bird and her friend found something interesting with the v-flu. Apparently the vitamin shots they were given were actually.....Nope not going to tell you. That would just ruin the big breakthrough. You may hate me now until you read the book yourself. In hopes of using their recent discovery, Bird confronts Roosevelt. Only problem is that he has the upper hand. Its like the guy has planned this all along. I still don't like him. But there is still more to the puzzle that Bird still needs to figure out. I'm going to go try to finish the book and be able to post one last time about this book. Then I'm going back to reading Opal. It was just too much of a hassle to read two books at once and remember everything. I can't even remember what happened when I stopped reading Opal. So my goals are to finish this book and Opal and Original Sin by the end of this week. A lot is going to be on my plate for the next few days. I hope I can do it. So until next time.....
Finally I have finished the book. It wasn't easy since during the last stretch, my family decided that throwing stuff at me while reading and listening to music would be fun. It didn't make me a very happy camper. Anyways, in the book it's Thanksgiving time and a vaccine has been announced for the v-flu. There is also a bit of a confession of love going on before the meal even begins. Darn girl pushed the boy to his limits just to make him say it. Could slap her. Anyways Bird didn't get the huge blowout she was expecting with her mother. Wonder why. So after the meal was done and everyone was gone, Bird and Coffee sit together and takes some drugs. I don't know if it were the drugs or Coffee's attempt to hypnotize Bird, but she started getting flashes of the night she couldn't remember. And, since I hate giving out spoilers and spoiler alerts. I'm going to not tell you anything more about the book. I still have a good hundred pages left to read, but I can't share anymore. I can just say that things are going to get really awesome now that Bird is starting to finally remember. Honestly I really like the book. I thought I'd hate it and I'm glad I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I highly recommend the book. Its not something I normally read, and I loved it. So pick up the book when it comes out at the end of the month. But, I'm going to finish the book and read Opal. So I give the book four out of five stars, and I tell you to go check it out. You might like it right away, or it might grow on you like it did me. So until next time......
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