
Anyways, I'm about halfway through Max and the Gatekeeper. The book starts out just weird. Like we got a chanting group of people following our main character Max to his grandfather's house. A game of baseball that is just plain weird as if time slows or speeds up. Then we got the rooms full of stuff that just don't make sense. It takes Max going up to the third floor in order to get at least some answers that he wants from his grandfather. Now it all is a matter of what and where to start. Flooded with questions, Max sits down with his grandfather in order to get some answers. Honestly some of them are a little hard to believe. Max now has the responsibility to protect the world from evil. A lot for a twelve year old to handle. Wonder how this is all going to play out. And I lied about being halfway. I thought I would be by the time I finished this post, but I'm not. I keep getting distracted. I'm only a quarter of the way.5/29/16
How long has it been since I posted? I am really sorry about that. I had a few deadlines to meet and some research that needed to be done. But I'm back and no need to worry about me. I am hoping to finish this book by tomorrow. That way I can fully focus on the other book that has me dragging my feet. Anyways, I'm about sixty percent into the book and things are a little interesting. Our supporting characters, or at least one of them has gone missing. The only reason for this is because some of the kids from the evil side decided to try to convert her to their side by force. Of course Max was gone, but that didn't stop them from trying to put the blame on him. Even though he wasn't in town and getting some new parts for the gate. Anyways, I've spent like four chapters of them pulling a search party for our missing character. Wonder how they are all going to pull this off.5/31/16
I'm happy to say that I'm finally almost done reading a book. It feels like forever since I finished a book. I should know because I'm like fourteen books behind schedule. I'm so disappointed in myself. Anyways, the book got pretty good towards the end. We have out main character behind enemy lines only to get discovered. Our missing character makes an unusual friend in the world she was in. But sadly gets found out by the enemy as well. Such a shame. Anyways, I would tell you more, but that would take all the fun out. I want you guys to read the book in order to find out how they get out of the situations the two characters are in. I also sense a betrayal somewhere. I haven't quite finished it, so the ending is just as big of a mystery to me.
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