Mystery Man


I'm on a new book from the library. This one has been sitting on my hold list for awhile and honestly its about time I requested it. I really need to stop putting books on hold at the library. Anyways, I just started the book. And since it has been on hold for so long, I can't remember what it is about. I am so disappointed in myself. Anyways, I just thought I would share what I'm reading right now. I am still reading Transformed, but people keep taking my Ipad. I could slap someone right now. At least there is always tomorrow for reading books. I just hope its not busy at work where I hardly get any reading done. I hate being normal. So until next time......


 Honestly I thought he was made up in the book. Only because he leaves without a trace. I know I usually don't start a post talking about the book, but I couldn't help it. You basically spend the first few chapters wondering if he is real. Then you start guessing who the mystery guy is. Until the guy shows up at her place after a break in. Then things get interesting. I only say this because our leading lady has three hot men after her, and she is only sleeping with one. We all know mystery man is going to win this macho battle but why not enjoy the book while it lasts. But I'm going to head out. I got some wrapping up to do before I clock out. Also sorry for not having a picture of the book, I will for sure have that for the next post. Promise. So until next time......


 I'm not avoiding Transformed, I swear. I just don't have the motivation to read it at the moment. Anyways, I just pulled an all nighter and pretty much almost finished Mystery Man. After a few heated moments, war declarations, two almost huge heartbreaking close calls to a break up, and two kidnappings that almost ended lives, I have come to my last on the book. Sadly I can't tell you much because there are so many spoilers in this book. But since I'm nice, I'll give you a little spoiler. The heart wrenching almost breakup has to revolve around Hawk's past that involves his wife and child. That is all you are getting. If you want to know more, I recommend you read the book. But I'm going to head out and officially finish the book. Then I will most likely still avoid Transformed like its the plague and read one of my many books I just bought from the local bookstore. Its my favorite place in town and my mom ended leaving me unattended in the store. Which results in me pretty much spending my whole paycheck in books. But at least I can say I finally got my own Colleen Hoover book, more specifically Confess. Next goal is to by a print based on the book and put it in my future office/ personal library. So until next time.....

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