Naruto Vol. 16


It's been a while to the point that I almost forgot what had happened in the last volume. Anyways the attack against the village has come to an end. Sadly, not everyone escaped unscathed. It still gets me at the funeral scene even if I was reading it this time around and not watching it in the anime. It still tugs at my heartstrings. But at least Naruto saved his friends from death, but it just makes one of them angry and wants to do better. Also in this volume, my favorite character shows up. It is just an introduction to him and it just makes me all the more excited to read the next volume. I think someone mentioned that my favorite character eventually goes good and sacrifices himself to save the village. But I don't know how accurate that is until I actually finish the series. Either way, I enjoyed the manga, but I have to admit that it is kind of dragging on at this point. I know in the anime this was a slow period before something huge happens. I think I'm getting close to the part where Suske (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) runs off to join the bad guys because he wants more power to kill his brother. I'm not sure, but the only way to find out is to read more.

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