
I'm still in refresher mode for Naruto. Things are all the same and I
couldn't help but noticed that there is a page missing in the book I'm
reading. Who would be so heartless to tear a page out of a library
book?! The monster. So I'm probably going to miss a big moment in the
volume just for that reason alone. Even though I saw the anime, it
probably won't feel the same as reading it in the manga. Kind of makes
me sad, to be honest. Anyways, the battles I read about was the ending
of Sakura's, breezed through Tenten's, kind of breezed through Naruto's,
and now I'm reading through Hinata's battle against Neji. But, I am
almost done with that one. If it finishes in this volume, but I have a
feeling that it won't. The anime takes at least two episodes for each
battle, or at least it feels like that. I guess it is to drag out the
episodes and the show a little bit more. Anyways, I already know how
this battle is going to end. Sadly, I forgot how Choji's battle ended
with the sound village guy. But, I don't remember the ending of Lee
versus Gara. Gotta love these refreshers.
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