
I got a huge stack from the library in preparation for my road trip tomorrow. Sadly, I think I'm going to finish some of these books before the road trip even starts. One of those books is probably going to be Never Never: Part Three. I'll probably finish it while I am at work. I can only mess around on the computer for so long before I start getting really bored. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to finally find out what the hell has been going on in the story. Why are they losing their memories? What is it that needed to be forgotten? Will they ever finish the never-ending chain? If they do break it, how do they do it? So many questions that I'm on the edge of my seat just dying to dive into this book. Both Collen and Tarryn don't disappoint with this book and I even requested on of Tarryn's books from the library so I am not in the complete dark with her. High expectations there. Anyways, enough rambling. I have a book to read.
I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with Silas at this point. At this point in the story, Silas has to make Charlie love him all over again. It's something that literally tugs at your heartstrings. I can't help but smile to myself as I picture everything that is going on in my head. I'm sure I have a few guests give me questioning looks since I'm reading while at work. It kind of makes me sad that I will be finishing this book soon in about ten pages. Also I wish I can find someone that is like Silas, or at least similar. Maybe not. I really don't know what I want. But right now, I really hope that this book has a good ending. I'm sure it does. Or, there will be some very unhappy readers out there in the world. Anyways, I highly recommend the series of books. I can't say they are for everyone, but they are still pretty good. I'm glad that I finally read and finished the series, but I'm also a little sad. I might actually buy the books when I get a chance. Either way, I think you guys should check out the books. They might become one of your favorite reads. I know that they are some of mine.
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