
So much reading, Bookies. Also when did I read the first part of this book? It feels like forever. Honestly, I'm actually surprised by how fast I was able to get my hands on this book when I requested it. I'm sure it's going to be a pretty quick read. Also, I think I would like to have all the books together next time so then I can read the whole situation all as one big story. That way I don't have to sit here wondering what is going on because it takes me so long to get the next part in the series. Anyways, I do remember that our two main characters keep loosing their memory for some reason. It's like the big mystery we have to solve or figure out in the whole series. And I do remember that the first book ended with one of our main characters going missing. I think this book is going to be focused on trying to find her while trying to remember what is all going on. This calls for it to be something interesting. But I'm going to go read now and get ready for my big road trip next week. Thank the Lord for book pick up day at the library.
I really hate cliffhangers. Especially when it comes to
this series. This time around our lovely authors stopped midsentence.
I'm sure everyone has read and knows how the books end, but I am a
little late to the game. Anyways, just as I predicted the whole book was
focused on Silas looking for Charlie. He found her but even more,
questions rose while hardly any answers were given. Which just makes me
want to request the next book from the library instead of whatever book
is next on the holds list. Just so I can find out what happens next.
These two authors never disappoint so far. Of course, I do have to be
honest here and say that I haven't read any of Tarryn Fisher's book, but
I'm pretty sure she will have me hanging on every word like Colleen
Hoover does. But now I must play the waiting game until I can get my
hands on part three.
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