Okay so this book is a sequel. I'd be happy to tell you what the first book is all about, but I read it like a year ago and I can't remember. It makes me sad. Also I'd like to point out that I love the girl's top on the cover. Just saying. Also the guy that is supposedly Daemon is like hot. So enough of me being a girl. I'm here to talk about the book. I haven't started it year really. I only read two chapters and from what I gathered is that in the first book had a huge battle where everyone almost died. So in order to save the girl he couldn't resist, Daemon saved her life by healing her with his alien powers. Oh yeah. Daemon is an alien and has a sister named Dee that is best friends with our main character Katy. Daemon likes to call our main character Kitten. I wish I remembered why, but I know it started when they first met when she moved into the house next door. Anyways, there is a strong connection between Katy and Daemon. Katy thinks it is because of Daemon's alien mojo. But I'm pretty sure the connection was strong even in the first book. Can't deny love at first sight, even if no one is going to admit it. So Katy got really sick in the beginning of the book. Not sure why, but I believe Daemon just healed her again to recover faster. Of course the girl was being drawn to a nearly frozen lake. Way to make Daemon panic, Katy. I think there is more to her illness and I think we find out more about it later on in the book. I'm curious how this is all going to play out, so I'm off to go read more of the book. So until next time......8/30/14
I just want to throw my theory out there about the book. Katy is part Luxen. Her Dad was an alien like Daemon, that fell in love with a human, got outcasted, got married, had a baby, and then died. That is what I'm starting to believe. I could be wrong, but I hope I am right. It is the only way to explain what is going on with Katy. I guess I should clarify it a little bit. So, after Katy got really sick, she returns to school. A new guy named Blake starts attending and he seems to have the hots for Katy. This is making Daemon very jealous. Its about time someone ruffled his feathers. Might actually get him to man up. Anyways Katy has somethings happening with her. First thing is that her locker opened up all by itself. Freaked her out, but she tried to play it off by saying that she was more focused on a guy named Simon then opening her locker. Which could be possible since this Simon guy is a complete dick. He was even nice enough to tell everyone that she slept with him and half of the football team. Like I said, he's a complete dick. Anyways, that wasn't the only incident, just the first. The next time something happened, Katy was thinking about a glass of sweet tea. In response to her thoughts, a glass breaks on the counter and the tea is tipped over in the fridge spilling. Once again she tries to play it off thinking her mom left the tea open and it fell over when she put it away, and that the glass fell out of the cupboard and broke. She was becoming more freaked out though and is starting to realize something isn't right with her. Her next event just so happen to have happen on her first date with Blake. A branch broke off a tree and she made it stop in mid air long enough for Blake to get out of the way. Daemon came to the rescue on that and made an excuse saying that Katy was freaked out by the branch falling and nearly landing on them. Blake wasn't surprised though, making Daemon a little jealous of him, I think. Then the night of the party that Dee was throwing came and Katy shattered some windows of a house down the street because Simon made her upset. He was pretty much drunk and begged her to forgive him for everything he did. She was in the right to not forgive the guy and scare the crap out of him. Of course, her and Daemon then got in a fight because one won't admit their feelings, aka Katy, and the other wants something more then what they have, aka Daemon. Usually its the girl begging for the relationship and the guy not admitting feelings. These two are going to end up together by the end of the book. That is how these things work. Unless someone dies, because lately out off all the books I've read, someone dies. There will be no dying in this book, unless its a bad guy. Kill the bad guys as much as you want, just don't kill the most loveable character, or I'll be mad. But, I'm off to go see if my theory is right. I hope it is. So until next time......9/1/14
I'm about two thirds done with the book. Only because it has been my best friend during my sleepless nights. Okay, so my theory on Katy was wrong. That makes me sad. According to what I have learned, Daemon had healed her and mutated her DNA in the process. We learn this when Blake finally comes clean on what he really is. So these new mutated humans are called hybrids. Apparently the Department of Defenses, or more known as the DOD, are trying to use these hybrids to create an army. In theory. Anyways, Daemon is getting more jealous of Blake and he keeps refusing to trust the guy. All in good reasoning. I wouldn't trust a guy either if he was putting someone I care about in danger. Blake's reasoning is that he wouldn't do the things he did if he didn't know that Katy could defend herself. I'm really starting to hate the guy. So is Katy, after an incident involving the evil alien race, known as the Arum. Katy could of died and Blake didn't seem to care. Daemon really needs to give the guy a good ass whooping. Anyways, I just stopped reading when Daemon and Katy were making a video for her blog. Daemon didn't keep his word on keeping quiet. Just reading the incident was hilarious. I'm so happy I was alone in my room while I was reading the book, or my sudden burst of laughter would have my fam giving me strange looks. I'm loving the book so far and I can't wait to see how it will end. I'm pretty sure I'll still be up at five in the morning reading this book. So until next time.....
Nothing like a big battle breaking out, followed by a kidnapping, and then a heart felt reunion to make you not want to put the book down. Anyways, I finished Onyx and I'm pretty blown away. Also, since its been a theme in the past few books I've read, someone has to die. Actually there were a lot of deaths in this book, but most of it were bad guys. Only because Daemon is a bad ass. Anyways, the huge battle that broke out in the book was pretty epic. I have a feeling that every book in the Lux Series is going to have at least one major battle in it. Anyways, the battle happens after Katy finds out who Blake really is. Yes he is a hybrid like her, but the big secret is something you never see coming. She didn't even see coming. But once you learn about the secret, it all makes complete sense. Anyways, Blake threatens Katy that he was turning her in to the DOD. Katy freaks out and Dee comes up to the door, ready to take Katy to a party. In order to protect Dee, Katy says some hurtful things. Only thing is that Dee came back with her boyfriend and started to fight. Things weren't going so well, and then Daemon came to save the day. Yay Daemon! I can see now why I used a fictional character to protect me from my mother. Didn't work obviously, but it sure made an interesting sight. But back to the book. After the battle was done, Katy finally admits her feelings for Daemon. So now I guess they are a couple. Sadly their time of peace was short lived and Katy gets kidnapped. She gets used to draw Daemon in to take part in a twisted plot to make someone a mutant. I had my suspicions on who it was, but it is still shocking. Also the way they capture Katy reminded me of another book I've read, but I can't put my finger on what the book was. Oh, now I do. The same kind of tactic happened in the Hush Hush Series. Only the car crashed and the girl was saved by her boyfriend before she was used to bring him into a wanted location. I was kind of hoping that would happen in Katy's case, but it didn't. Darn. But Katy gets saved, and then they rush to go save Daemon's brother, Dawson. Only fact is that they didn't find him at said location. So they go home thinking they will never see Dawson again. Only fact is Dawson is already home. Problem is he is like a walking zombie. I wonder if he'll ever get back to normal. I guess we'll never know until I get Opal, the third book in the series. So until next time.....
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