
Here is another series that I didn't get to finish and I haven't read for like two or three years. I'm not sure why I was putting off the ending of this series for so long. I hardly remember a whole lot. All I can remember in the series is that our main female character is named Katy and she moves to a town after the death of her father. I think that was the reason, I can't really remember. Anyways, she has some neighbors next door that don't really have any parents watching over them and they couldn't be more opposite. Daemon, the brother of the two kids living next door, is cold and acts like he hates Katy. But oddly she is highly attracted to him. His sister, I think Dee is her name, just wants to have a friend for once. So there is hell to be paid as secrets get revealed and baddies are after Daemon and his sister. The first book ends and I can't remember what took place in the second book but I think Daemon finally admits to his feelings and he starts dating Katy. I do know they get captured at one point by the government to get tested on or something like that. They escape somehow. End up on the run. I think there is marriage and babies involved in the last book. And that is all I can really remember except for all of the hell that broke loose in the last book during their escape. Now I'm at the last book and I have no idea what to think. I just know that the book is going to have a happy ending and that is pretty much it because what kind of book has a terrible ending where everyone dies? Don't answer that. I'm sure there are a few of them out there. But I'm going to go read now.
This book is lying to me, I just know it. Or, at least Goodreads is. I know for a fact that I'm farther than forty percent through the book but they are saying otherwise. I think it has to do with the bonus material at the end. Either way, let's get talking about the book. The world has gone to crap. Daemon's kind has pretty much started their plan at world domination. The military is fighting back and a few Origins have joined the bad alien side. Things are just crazy. So why not think up of a crazy plan to find the aliens that like to kill luxens to help beat the bad aliens. That is pretty much where I left off. Katy, Archer, and Daemon are on a road trip in search of the Arum. I think that is how you spell it. All to make a deal to fight the Luxen that have taken over the Earth. I can see how fantastic this idea is because there is a possibility that things could go horribly wrong. But it could also go completely right. I have to read more to find out. I know this series is old, but it has taken me a while just to get the last book. If any of you know the ending, please don't tell me. I would like to find out on my own. Right now I'm fighting between reading, writing, and watching dramas. It's a hard life I lead.
So, I'm not actually almost done with the whole book, just the Opposition part of the book. I'm still debating on whether to read the bonus material or to just let it go. I probably will just let it go because this book has to go back like later today since it's now the 23rd and not the 22nd. Night shifts, they really mess up your time clocks for the day. Anyways, I am not sure what I told you in my last post so I'm just going to start off by telling you about the unlikely alliance that has taken place. If I missed anything in between, you can read the book and find out what happened. But I'm pretty sure the majority of you have already finished the series. Anyways, we have the Arum leader who is a little bit crazy and likes to push boundaries before even agreeing to the alliance. Of course, Daemon did try to kill him five times or more because of all of the stuff he pulled. Anyways, but things work out in the end, sort of. So our main characters decide to rest up at a home that is owned by some Arum only to get attacked. At least their lovely sister made is easier to find her by just coming to them of her own free will. Luckily Katy breaks the hold the Luxen have on Dee, still trying to figure out how since I'm still reading, and all is good again. At least I hope so. I have a little over a hundred pages left to read and we will see if I actually read the bonus material. But I can just imagine the Arum's reaction when they see their house once they get back from grocery shopping. Either way, go read the series if you haven't. You can't help but fall in love with Daemon because his character is probably the best in the whole series. I just love his smart comebacks.
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