Original Sin


I am reading yet another sequel to a book that I have read a year ago. All I remember is that a demon came to earth from Hell looking for a girl to tag for Hell. The demon found the girl, making her gaurdian angel appear. Angel and demon fight over girl as if they are high school boys trying to win the girl over. Demon falls in love with girl. Girl unknownly turns demon human. Huge battle happens for the girl's soul. Girl gets tagged for Heaven instead of Hell. Everyone lives happily ever after. Okay maybe not if there is a second book. But the girl now has a new guardian angel which is her dead twin brother. So here are the names of the characters in the book. We have our girl, Frannie. Her twin brother slash guardian angel, Matt. Then Frannie's demon turned human boyfriend, Luc. I just started the book so right now nothing exciting is going on. But according to the back of the book, the fact that Luc was a demon is about to bite them all in the butt. Matt hates Luc and is hoping the demons take Luc back. Only problem is that Luc is tagged for Heaven after, I believe, risking his own life to save Frannie's. Word hadn't gotten out yet that Luc is now human and tagged for Heaven. So when the head of security comes for him, he is nice enough to inform them. Well, things are about to get interesting. So until next time.....


 I'm not sure where to begin. I know I have to explain why I stopped reading Original Sin. Not only am I dragging my feet reading it, I ended up getting an advance copy of another book in the mail. So me being the responsible reader that I am, I feel like I have to finish this new book before it comes out. I figured it be fair to the author if I told you guys what I thought right away. Also I'm trying to decide what book to read after Original Sin. I can choose between two of them. I read the first chapter of both books and they are book really good so far. But, I'll have a poll up for you guys to vote which book you think I should read next. It will be something a little different. Also I have a duplicate book and if a friend of mine doesn't want it, I'll be having a giveaway for it. Things are happening. I might even giveaway books that I don't want to make more room on my book shelf. But first the poll. So until next time......


 So I had to stop reading Original Sin due to the fact that it is taking me forever to read and I keep getting a new shipment of books from the library. I have to read the ones that I know I'll finish in a few days. I have to do it this way because I'm getting overwhelmed with all the books that I have.

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