

Okay this is the last new book I got from the library. Also I really need to buckle down on my writing soon because I'm reading more then writing. I'm so behind schedule on that. Anyways, let get a talking about this book. Its the sequel to Lick, the book I read in like a day because I liked it that much. Apparently the whole series revolves around a band and each book is a member of that band finding love. It also doesn't stop me from making interesting comments that revolve around the models on the cover and title. Like with Lick I told my mom that I wouldn't mind licking the guy on the cover all night. My comment for this one is "I wouldn't mind if this guy played with me all night." My mom just looks at me with disapproval. So lets talk about the book and not about me lusting over book cover models. So the book starts with our leading lady, Anne getting screwed over by her best friend. I know exactly how this girl feels. Anyways, she is hugely in a rut and in need of saving. Only problem was that she wasn't going to ask for the help. So the best friend of our leading lady in Lick comes to take her to a party. Just so happens the drummer over hears a conversation Anne was having outside and I believe this is the start of a little arrangement that would help both of them out. I'm not sure, I honestly just started. But I'm going to wrap up my chapter and head off to work on Rebellious Love. I'm still looking for book cover ideas and you might end up with some free books if I choose your book cover. How can you turn down free stuff? So until next time......


 Okay, so I'm not as far as I'd like to be in the book. I think it has to do with the fact that I have a family who think reading is a waste of time. I really need to get my own place. Anyways, my writing is also talking a lot of my time. But it doesn't matter, because I'm loving the book so far. Nothing like trying so hard not to laugh while reading, but the leading man just makes me laugh. Mal is a pretty funny dude. Especially when he suddenly moves into Anne's apartment and declares that she is his girlfriend. The guy also set himself up to get hurt in the end because he told Anne that he'd help her get a guy jealous. I think he even hinted it towards her. So I think things are about to get interesting. But I'm also starting to realize that anything to do with Mal isn't going to be boring. He's a little on the dramatic side along with loads of energy. I can't wait until I see where this book ends up. So until next time.....


 Nothing makes me more sad then dropping a book in some water, or at least that is what I thought. Apparently when you stick a library book in the microwave to dry, they tend to catch on fire. So I can't finish this book. I can try but the smell of burnt pages is not what I want to experience while reading a good book. That is not how a book should smell. But I'm take responsibility to replace the book and I have to wait until it is delivered on the 19th, aka my birthday. Maybe next time I'll remember that libraries have security chips on their books in case someone walks off with it. Not sure who would steal a book, but I'll just go with it. But I'll still remember before putting a wet book in the microwave. I'm surprise I didn't wake up my gramps with the smell of burnt pages. Sorry that I can't finish this book now guys. It was out of complete stupidity and lack of remembering about library security. It still makes me sad to ruin a perfectly good book. So until next time......


 I couldn't stay away from the book. I had to read it even though it strongly smells of burnt plastic and paper. I'm going to feel so bad when I hand this book to the librarian when I return it. They probably won't let me check out a book again after this. It still makes me highly sad when I look at the damage I had done to such a perfectly good book. It was like brand new when I got it, which just makes me feel worse. Anyways, guilt aside lets talk about the book. Our characters Anne and Mal are taking their fake relationship with stride. There was even an almost fake break up that ended with a flooded bathroom and parents unexpectedly showing up. The whole scene was quiet interesting, but they decided to turn their fake relationship into a real one. Anne thinks things are going to end messy, and it might. It also could end up really well. But if it does end badly, I want it to make me cry my eyes out. Just saying.


 I swear to God that I'm never going to live down the fact that I accidentally set a book on fire by putting it in the microwave. Stupid security chip. Anyways, I was able to read up until the last few chapters where the damage was so bad that I couldn't read. Honestly I don't remember what I told you guys about the book so far because it has been so long. But I will say that I thought the book wasn't going to have a heart breaking breakup, but the author ruined that by having Anne turn down Mal's proposal. Was I supposed to say that. No? Opps. Sorry guys, I guess I gave a spoiler with out meaning too. But I won't give away how they get back together. So far its so sweet. I'm still waiting for the replacement to come in the mail, so I haven't finished the book yet. The postal service is agonizingly slow during winter. I officially hate Wisconsin more. Sadly Maryland is just as bad, but Baltimore feels like its my home. Probably has to do with the fact that my favorite writer is buried there. Anyways, I love this book so much and I really wish the replacement was here already. So go read the first book Lick and then read this one. So far I can't get enough of the series and I have some explaining to do when I pick up the third book. Sorry library system for burning a book, please don't take my check out privileges.  I need books.

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