Raised by Wolves


I really need to stop misplacing books. Only because my current reading list is really long. Yet I still add more books. Anyways, this is another library book I got when I picked up Mind Game, where ever that book decided to hide. Since I seemed to have misplaced Mind Game, I figured I would read this book. I know nothing about the book. Like literally. I'm actually making this post before even reading the book. Usually I read about a chapter or two before I post, but I guess I wanted to do something different. So no first impressions on this book, unless I go by the cover. And I know that I've been slacking hardcore. Blame the recent Kdrama that I just had to be curious enough to check out. Also B.A.P. came out with a new album and I'm pretty much addicted to that. South Korea is just ruining me right now it seems. But at least I can say that I started writing again. Finally! You have no idea how much I was struggling for three months trying to write at least something. I never know what to do when I can't do something that I'm highly passionate about. Even reading has been hard because of it. But that's enough of me rambling. I have a book to read, or at least try to. I must resist the Kdramas calling my name. So until next time......


Hello fellow bookworms,

Long time no see. I am sorry for the huge delay. I haven't been reading lately because I was busy doing research for one of my books. Camp Nanowrimo is around the corner, but I still haven't signed up for it yet. I still have a few weeks to decide whether or not I want to take part in it or not. Anyways, I read when I can. So I'm about a third of the way through Raised by Wolves. All I have to say is that I love the leading lady. She sounds just like me on some days. My mother would say every day. Anyways, its pretty interesting so far. There are some funny parts. But mostly its about a girl who lives with a bunch of werewolves after her family being killed by a rabid one. She pretty much goes by what she has been told since she was brought into the pack, to a point. But one day she gets curious and finds a freshly turned werewolf  in the basement of her alpha's house. Then she become obsessed with him and goes through all this trouble to talk to him, and that is pretty much as far as I have gotten. I know that something is going to happen between these two. I just don't know what yet. But I do plan to find out. Hopefully before the book has to go back in ten days. Writing season is such an attention hog. So until next time.......


I'm not sure what I have told you about the book so far. Only because its been so long. Sorry about that. Anyways, I've read about our leading lady, Bryn, make a promise to the pack that she is apart of. The only reasons that she made these promises was to see the new wolf in the alpha's basement. Then I read about her going through all this trouble to see him only to mess it up. She did something that she shouldn't have been able to do and gotten beaten up for it. But the new wolf is tied to her and they share a special bond. So special that he likes to think of her as his mate. Bryn doesn't like that all that much. She's so not ready for that kind of commitment. Anyways, her adoptive mom then takes her way from the pack to the edge of the territory. There are some pack members on the borders and they were going to stay with one of them for a while. I'm kind of waiting to see the new wolf, whose name is Chase by the way, disobey rules and go running after her. But I guess we will just have to wait and see what is all going to happen. Right now Bryn is hunting down the wolf that changed Chase because she feels like she has to know who he is. Also there are rumors that her alpha might have a bit of an extra supernatural power.


 The time has come for me to make my last post on the book. I'm about 80% percent through the book and a big battle is about to take place. As much as I'd like to tell you about how they face the big bad wolf and defeat him, I can't. That would just ruin the book. So you all can hate me for a while. Anyways, Bryn uses her connection with Chase to her advantage. She listens in on the alphas that got together to talk about the rabid and decide that they weren't going to kill the danger. Bryn doesn't like it and comes up with a plan to do it herself. Well, sort of. Chase wasn't going to let her go by herself when he has a need to protect her. Anyways, I stopped reading where they showed up at the town where the rabid is hiding. Wonder how this is all going to go down. But if you guys really want to find out since I'm not telling you, I highly suggest you get the book. Its pretty good and I fairly enjoyed it. But I'm off to my next read.

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