
Anyways, I started reading the book and my first impression is that I am really going to get pulled into this book. Two chapters in and I can already see why there was so much hype about this book. Also have just been dying to read it. All I know so far is that there are two classes the red blood and the silver bloods. One group is controlled by the other because the one doing the controlling is the stronger with supernatural abilities. But I'm curious on how this book is going to go. I'm pretty sure I'll be halfway through in no time. It didn't take me long to read two chapters because I don't want to put the book down.
I'm only a quarter of the way through the book and I thought I would leave a little post for all of you. Why? Because I'm nice and have nothing else to do since wrapping up my latest story is nearly impossible right now. Anyways, I'm highly enjoying the book. I find it very interesting with the different classes and how they are treated differently. Only because one group is stronger then the other. But For a while I was wondering when she was going to reveal this supposed power that gets her into a big mess. Yes, I read what the book was about. Shocker. But that is besides the point. The point is that she has a supernatural power that shouldn't even exist because she isn't a silver blood. By the way I think the silver bloods are actually aliens that came to our planet. Only because the book says they came from the stars and have silver blood with special powers. In other words, aliens. Anyways, our main character Mare reveals she has a special power. Tries to escape but fails because of her lover boy catching her. She wakes up, finds out she has to live a whole new life and never see her family again. Sad face. Oh Cal, what did you get our leading lady into? And it was only because you wanted to help her and her family out.
The book is getting really interesting now. There are so many challenges our leading lady has to face. Including a vengeful silver that she nearly blew up on accident on her first night in the palace. This vengeful soul is the future queen and is out for Mare's blood. Apparently the little girl needs to learn to let some things go and realize that she isn't all high and mighty like she is led to believe. Anyways, I'm really enjoying the book. It gets even interesting when our leading lady joins the cause for her people's freedom and discovers an unlikely ally. But I sense a romance forming. Sad thing is I am not sure which brother its with. The future king or the one she is supposedly engaged to. Guess I just have to read more to find out. I just wish the book didn't lie to me and say I'm only halfway. I'm clearly farther then that.
It seems that I'm coming to an end with the book and it saddens me deeply. I really do mean it. The book was really good and I look forward to reading the second one. Even though I haven't fully finished the book, this will be my last post about it. I only have few chapters left and I still don't know which prince she is going to pick. I have an idea, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. Also I haven't gotten to the part where the title plays a part. Just little jokes saying that it would be something if she became queen and would be known as the Red Queen. For all I know the title only fits in at that point in the book. Who knows? I have to finish the book to find out. But none the less, I highly recommend the book if you haven't read it yet. I knew there was a reason I was dying to read it. I was not disappointed. Also I believe there is going to be a big cliff hanger at the end of the book. I just feel it in my bones.
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