
I told myself that I wouldn't do it, and damn it. I did it. I started
reading Rome before I finished Opal. I just couldn't help it. The series
is just too good. But, I'm putting it aside now because I have to
finish Opal before one of you decides to kill me. So this is what I read
so far. Remember in the last scene in Jet where Cora spills her beer
all over Rome's head. If not, that is probably because you didn't finish
the book or you just haven't read it yet. Anyways, this is where this
book starts. Cora's reasoning is that Rome was being a jerk and treating
Rule's relationship with Shaw as if it was a joke. I wouldn't of poured
my drink of him, but I would of given him some choice words if I was in
Cora's situation. Anyways, by doing that, she got under his skin. He
just doesn't know it yet. So Rome runs off to a bar, ends up getting in a
fight, and calls Nash to come rescue him from the hospital. And, the
hospital scene just gets you stoked for the next book Nash. I want to
know what Nash did to get on Saint's bad side. My begging for that book
has already started, but I think I'm going to up it a notch because now I
really want the damn book. My mom should just get me the whole series
and pre-order when ever there is a new one coming out. I'm just saying.
It would save her a huge headache. Anyways, I pretty much left off right
there and started to scold myself. So I'm telling myself that when I
finish Opal, I can then read Rome. So I guess I have to hide my phone
from myself now, or I'll be tempted to pull up my Kindle app and read
Rome. So until next time.....
I can't help but drool over the cover. But, lets get past the fact that
I'm completely lusting over these models that are used for book covers. I
want one by the way, so tell me where they find these smoking models.
Anyways, enough of me being a total girl, lets talk about the book that
I've been sneaking every once in a while. So Rome showed up at where
Cora works because he wanted to talk to his brother Rule. I guess the
guy kind of wanted to apologize for his behavior and he even apologized
to Cora. Which led to a small flirting session and a good talking to
Cora from Nash. I have a feeling Nash is going to be my favorite by the
ways. But we aren't here to talk about Nash, we are here to talk about
Rome. The older Archer brother, so they describe him in the book. So
Cora is closing up shop when her boss Phil walks in. Apparently he
doesn't look well, and she can't shake the feeling that something is
wrong with her old family friend. Of course, he isn't going to tell her
anything. So she changes the subject to Rome. You can say she is trying
to know more about the guy. I think he got under her skin pretty quick
and she just doesn't know it yet. Meanwhile, Rome gets a job at the bar
where he ended up getting in a fight in. Its basically so he can pay
back for the trouble he caused. He did offer money, but the owner just
wanted him to work there. At least he now has something to do during his
free time. But that doesn't stop his night terrors or the late phone
calls from overseas giving him updates on what is going on. I don't
think any of his what ever you call them, they just don't want to let
Rome go. Its also making Rome getting over what he saw not any easier.
Anyways, after a long day Rome's boss ends up calling Cora's work place
looking for Rule. Sadly Rule ran out of the shop after getting a call
from Shaw about a leaky water heater. So Cora had Take-Rome-Home duty.
She more like volunteered. Nothing like taking home a drunk Rome, it's
quite entertaining to read. Of course Cora takes Rome to her place
instead because Nash wasn't home to help her drag the guy in the house.
It also give Cora a chance to check out Rome when he is passed out on
her bed. I'm starting to think that her plan isn't going to work out the
way she wanted it to. I'm going to stop now. I'm about a fourth of the
way through the book. I'll write again when I'm about halfway. I'm
really tired, so I'm just going to call it a night. So until next

So I left off in the book with Cora practically molesting Rome with her
eyes while he is a sleep. The girl has no shame when the guy is complete
unaware of what she is doing. At least she knows that she was being a
creeper by doing that. Then she gets the surprise of her life and get
pulled on to the bed, pinned by Rome's massive body. I bet she feels
slightly awkward, or maybe not because she is pinned under a very hot
guy. I know I wouldn't mind being pinned down by a smoking hot guy any
day. Just saying. Cora probably thought the same thing because there was
a sex scene the next day. Then they act like nothing happened, or at
least Cora did. Rome can't stop thinking about it, even when he is
headed to have lunch with Shaw and work things out. Shaw even gave him
some eye opening advice that he pretty much takes to heart. I think
things are about to get interesting the more I read. And what do you
know? It does get interesting. Everyone is at Jet's show, and Cora
finally fesses up to Rowdy that she slept with Rome. He ends up giving
her a little peak into his past, which amazes her. But, then Rowdy
turned it around back to Cora and told her that her one and only would
come around leaving her unsure of what to do. Of course that talk ended
with Rowdy glancing in Rome's direction. So when Rome decides that he
wants to leave with out seeing the band play, Cora gives him a little
attitude. A moment you can't help but smile because Rome's come back was
him reminding Cora of their little tango in her bed. I feel bad for
Rowdy because he is uncomfortably in the middle of this little exchange.
Anyways, Rome storms off getting the last word. It kind of impresses
Rowdy that someone was able to get the last word on Cora. So the next
day Cora decides that she just wants to talk things out with Rome. Sadly
Rome wasn't home, but Nash was and he couldn't help but remind her why
what she was doing was such a bad idea. So when Rome returns from his
run, he doesn't even give Cora to explain herself. Poor girl. He also
had the last word which I guess kind of bugged Cora to the point she
pretty much followed him to his bedroom. Of course he was in the shower
when she got there and started to look around the room. Cora ended up
looking at an old picture of Rome with his two brothers, Rule and the
deceased Remy. Which led to a serious conversation between Cora and
Rome. The conversation led to Cora laying all on the line, and then they
started to have sex, and then my phone died. It had the worst timing
possible. So I'm going to charge it and hopefully be able to tell you
guys more later. So until next time......
I was finally able to finish the part where I left off when my stupid
phone died. Anyways, sex scene is over and then Cora is worried about
getting pregnant after doing the deed twice with no protection. Of
course, they continue to do it I believe. Rome is taking it in stride,
even if it involves a kid. Anyways, Rome is now running the bar where he
works because the owner is busy doing other stuff. He even requited
Ayden's brother Asa to help him out. I have a feeling that might be a
big mistake. But, Rome doesn't care and willing to give the guy the
benefit of the doubt. So Rome goes to Cora's and they go to bed. Only to
have Rome wake up in the middle of the night and run off because he had
some crazy flash back dream. Poor guy can't get some peace of mind.
Maybe he should get some help and also let Cora see the dark side of
him. That way he can get it off of his chest instead of holding it all
in. Anyways, in his time of absence Cora finds out that she is pregnant.
And as if Rome has like Cora senses, he shows up at her work in order
to apologize for his behavior and almost gets in a fight with Rule. Cora
tells everyone the news, Rome is pretty excited, Rule was angry then
excited, Nash can't get out of his shock, and Rowdy just goes with the
flow. I stand corrected. I think Rowdy is going to be my favorite out of
all of them. Anyways, Rome is finally getting help to get his head back
on straight. I guess walking out on Cora was kind of the slap in the
face he needed. Anyways, things are going good. Cora even put a halt on
everything and just wanted them to take their relationship slow. Rome
describes it as being put in the friend zone by his pregnant girlfriend.
I couldn't help but giggle at that point. During one of their date
nights, Rome kind of fell asleep and remembered the day that Remy died.
Its kind of sad and you can't help but feel bad for the guy. Good thing
he had Cora there to comfort him from the memory. Rome then told her
what his dream and thoughts were about. Cora just sat there and
listened. It is just a heart warming scene. Anyways, they have yet
another sex scene and all seems good. Cora even plans something with
Shaw in order to make everyone feel better about Remy's passing.
Everything seems to work out just fine, and to make things crazy Rome
carries Cora out of the house telling his parents that she was pregnant
and that he'll see them next week. I couldn't help but burst out
laughing at that point. I could just picture it in my mind. And what do
you know? My phone dies. Thank the lord that I was done with the chapter
when it happened. I'm quite curious on what is going to happen next. So
until next time......

I'm so forcing myself to finish this book, because I want to read more
of Ugly Love. Anyways, Rome now owns a bar. He also declares his love
for Cora. She is pretty much shocked that he would say such a thing.
Also she is still living in the past and is afraid that Rome is going to
hurt her just as bad as her ex. The girl really needs to leave the past
in the past and live in the now. Anyways, Cora's ex comes into the
picture because he wants to make amends and take Cora back. Boy isn't he
a little too late? He got quite a shock to find her pregnant and pretty
much doesn't love him anymore. Cora even ends up saying something that
she should have. Rome gets pissed and drives off to work. Cora decides
that she was going to talk to him and apologize for what she said.
Sadly, Rome gets shot. I swear to God that I thought the guy was going
to die. I might have cried a long with Cora while she was going through
the whole thing. Luckly he pulls through. Just in time to see his
brother propose to the love of his life. Could of picked a better
setting, but he at least proposed. So that is pretty much the rest of
the story. Most of the ending of the book is you being on the edge of
the seat wondering if Rome was going to live or die. I could go into
more detail of the end of the book, but where would the fun be in that?
I want you guys to read it, not ruin the book for you. But, once again I
fall in love with the Marked Men series and about ready to beg my mom
to get me Nash and Rowdy. So far none of these guys became my new
fictional boyfriend. Rule is the only one that came pretty damn close,
but Travis Maddox still takes the cake. Alright, I'm going to head out,
drink my coffee, and read some more of Ugly Love since its the only book
I want to read now. Darn you Colleen for writing a book that got me
hooked with in its first few pages and ruined all other books for me.
But who am I to complain. So until next time.....
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