
Is it sad that I really like Rule a few pages into the book. That is actually his name people, and I like it. Also I like how it starts with Rule pretty much kicking his one night stand out the door because he has to leave and she doesn't want him to kick her to the curb. Also I can just picture one of his one night stands throwing a rock at him as he walked away from them. Anyways, after the scene with his one night stand, Rule gets in the car with Shaw Landon. She I guess is an old family friend, according to the back she dated one of Rule's brothers. When I first read the book before looking at the back of the book, I'd thought she was his sister. They fight like it. Anyways, on the way to Rule's parents house, Shaw lets him know that his brother Rome is home after getting injured while serving in the army. So the trip has both Rule and Shaw having a nice little conversation. Apparently it's a rarity since they both don't really get a long and tend to just ignore each other. But I don't think it lasted long. Sad. Also I've noticed that if you don't pay close attention you won't notice that the book actually changes points of views with Rule and Shaw. The chapter will tell you who at the beginning. I learned this pretty quick because the latest books that I've been reading tends to be changing point of views a lot. So you learn that Shaw has been in love with Rule since the day they met, even if she ended up dating his brother in the long run. You also learn who Rule's twin brother died before you switch to Shaw's point of view. Anyways the brunch with Rule's parents is quite interesting. I say that because his parents basically pick out everything wrong with him. This starts a little fight between Rule and his parents. His mother starts crying and Rule is ready to leave. I guess its routine that Rule only comes over less then five minutes before someone says something they shouldn't. So on the ride home, Shaw gets sick with a migraine making Rule drive. Also he shows his sensitive caring side. Shaw is completely surprised by it. Then they decide that they are no longer going to do Sundays with Rule's parents making Shaw think she will never see him again. But as if fate was at play, Rule ends up at the place where Shaw works and saves her from her crazy ex. I'm not even done with chapter three and I feel like I learned a lot in the book. I didn't think I would making such long posts on this book, but it looks like I will be. I'm not complaining. So expect me to talk a lot about this book in the next few days. So until next time......So I left off where Rule was playing knight in shining armor by saving Shaw from her ex-boyfriend. Of course he didn't get to finish the altercation the way he wanted due to the fact that the bouncer was the one that ended up threatening the ex-boyfriend and not Rule. But Rule is also now starting to realize that Shaw is pretty attractive and could be someone he would like to approach one day. I guess his friends were right when they said that if she offered, he wouldn't refuse. And it just so happens that she does offer, on her own birthday. Of course, she gets highly drunk and he tries to talk her out of it. Shaw wouldn't have it and kept throwing herself at him. But, there might of been something she forgot to mention in her drunken haze. So afterwards, Rule is in complete knots trying to figure out what is going on threw his head. Really he should just not think and just go with it. I guess he isn't used to having something change his point of view often. He even doesn't tell his brother about it, but his roommate Nash wasn't stupid and put two and two together. Smart guy. Nash also seems to be the voice of reason and told Rule that what he did was beyond stupid. But they continue talking and being the voice of reason Nash pretty much tells Rule that since Shaw is someone that puts up with all of his crap, he should marry the girl on the spot. I have to agree with Nash on that one. And since I accidentally published this post before I got far. I'll be stuck making more post then I want for sure. So until next time.....

I'm kind of nearly finish with this book and it makes me sad. What makes me even sadder is that I can't read the other books of the series because the library only has 'downloadable audio files' and I want the actual book. I also said it in air quotes because there is no way to download the file anyways, or I'm just too stupid to figure it out. The library should at least have a hard copy of the book for people like me. Anyways, I'm here to talk about the book, not complain about the library system. I can't remember what I told you guys about the book so far. I think it was the show for Jet was where I left off. So I'm going to tell you about the book from there. Anyways, Shaw was lucky to avoid the weekend with her mother so far due to the fact that her mother has been so busy. But then the weekend had come and she had to face her ex. Also she had to face her mother's pressure to get back together with her ex. Everyone keeps saying that they would never last and that he would screw up to the point she was going to get hurt bad. So when she does tell Rule about her trip with her ex, he pretty much gets mad and shuts her out. Shaw ends up going to her parents not sure what Rule is thinking since he pretty much talking to her. It even breaks her heart a little. Especially when she learns through her friend that he was with another girl. Find out that he was going back what he knew and felt terrible about it. Rule ended up driving to her parents to apologize about everything after his brother Rome talks some reason into him. It really drove Shaw's mom crazy when he arrived and had brunch with them. So when they were about to leave, Shaw ends up getting attacked by her ex-boyfriend. It freaked her out to the point that she just grabbed Rule and left. She didn't even tell him about it until after she broke down crying on the way home. He gets crazy protective, calls a friend of his for advice, and pretty much thinks someone should be with her at all times. I think that is actually a good idea because who knows what her crazy ex would do. Anyways, Rule is starting to see that he missed out on a lot by not having a relationship before Shaw. He also feels like its completely right with having her around. Even her calling him her boyfriend makes him feel like he can take on the world. So while he went to go get her car from her mom's house, he ended up stopping at his parents' house. Sadly it doesn't go well because his mom is acting like a complete bitch. Pardon my language, but I had to say it. What kind of parent shuts out their kid for something that could of happened in many different ways? Poor Rule. At least his dad is on his side. Meanwhile Shaw was learning that one of Rule's friends Jet got her best friend all in knots. I think this is why the next book is pretty much about Jet. Now I want to read the second one more then ever, but the stupid library haven't heard of hard copies lately. But back to the book. Shaw and her friend have a heart to heart and hopefully it gave her friend some insight on what she wants. Anyways, this post is longer then I'd like it to be because there is just so much going on in the book. I was hoping to be able to post this when I finished the book, but since I'm no where near finish. I'll just post. I'm really liking the book and I just hope there was a way for me to get a hard copy of Jet, the second book of the Marked Men series, and not have to pay a dime. I'm too broke to buy more books right now. Also I'm saving up for my relocation in the spring. So until next time....
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