Silver Shadows


Its been a while since I saw this series. Anyways, we all know this one right. The forbidden love story between an alchemist and a vampire. Both have been raised with different views about the other's people. But that doesn't stop them from falling in love. In the last book they tried to keep there secret hidden from the world. Sadly Sydney's sister wanted to be the star in Daddy's eyes and turned her sister in. Making the book end with us at the edge of our seats and wondering how Sydney is going to get herself out of this situation. Well now we get to find out in this book. Also to see how Adrian handles the separation from his love. Sadly the book isn't as think as the others, but that just means that I get the answers I've been asking since I finished the last book. I'm off to read.


 Silver Shadows is proving to be one of those books that will be a short read for me. I'm about a third of the way through the book. So far I have Sydney trying to figure out who her allies are and Adrian trying to fill the empty void that Sydney had left behind. Also while Sydney is trying to find a way to escape the location she is trapped in, Adrian is out partying with a girl that has a huge crush on him. I see some hearts breaking in the future. But how do they get reunited? Sydney has to escape, right? So how is that going to happen? We already know at this point on how she stops the gases that they are feeding her through the air. All thanks to her roommate. I wish I could tell you more, but there honestly isn't a lot happening. Just both suffering in the absence of the other. And both trying to find an escape. Sydney from captivity. Adrian from his pain of separation.


So I didn't finish the book yet. Why? Because apparently all I do during my days off is watch movies and K-dramas. I'm a horrible person. But at least I can say I watched the new Hunger Games movie finally. Major shock ending to that movie by the way. Didn't see it coming. But that is not why you are here because I never read the Hunger Games series. Oops. Anyways, back to the book that I'm actually reading. Things are going down in the book. Sydney has gained quite a reputation at the facility she is at. Also Adrian finally got out of his downward spiral. You would think that they are finally making progress, but you would be wrong. There is still some things they need to know in order to free Sydney. Like finding where the heck she is. That would be a really good start. But at least they are making progress and Adrian can see her again. This just makes me want to read the book more. Instead of the three chapters that I've read in a week business. Again, oops. For now I'm just going to continue reading. Only because I'm banned from listening to music while at work because apparently wearing headphones to invisible guests is frowned upon. At least I get more reading done and can most likely catch up.

I spent all night reading and its only because I couldn't put the book down during the big escape. Even though I am at a part where they are now trying to lose the alchemist's that are trying to capture them as they flee from the scene. And may I add that they are not making it easy for out two love birds? Kind of makes me wonder who this book is going to end. I only have forty pages left and so much can happen in that short amount of time. But I do know that Sydney will forever have to be on the run from the alchemists. Unless she takes down the  whole entire community. Possible storyline for the next book? I won't know until I get the book from the library. Looks like it will be a long wait until I get my hands on it.  But until then, I have other books that I need to catch up on.

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