
So it looks like I finished Frozen sooner then expected. I still have an
hour to kill at work, so it has been decided. I'll be reading The 5th
Wave next. All I know is that this became a movie, that I haven't seen
yet, but it looked really good. So of course I had to read the book
first. It makes perfect sense. Anyways, I'm not sure what the whole
story is about. From what I got from the movie, its about an alien
invasion. The trailer of the movie listed all these plagues to expect
during the take over, but they never said what the fifth wave was. All
the more reason to read the book. But I'm going to read it and see if I
like it. Also I might compare the movie to the book.
Sorry for not posting for the past few days. I honestly haven't been
reading. More like catching up on sleep and just being lazy. Anyways, I
figured I would give you my first impressions on the book I'm reading so
far. From what I noticed of the book, you really have to pay attention.
There are a lot of times when she remembers something and the book seems
to go into a flashback with out any warning. So basically the majority
of the book is just one big flash back in the beginning. I can't say for
the whole entire book because I haven't gotten really far. I'm only on
page fifty and its a pretty big book. Anyways, I think the book is
pretty accurate on how people would react if there was actually an alien
invasion. A bunch of questions, skeptics, and hoping the government
will fix it. I still haven't gotten to the part where she talks about
the forth wave, but the other three I read about. Well, the second wave
wasn't explained in much detail, but I got the idea. But I'm going to
head out now. Its super early in the morning and I have a dog who keeps
staring at me. After I let my dogs out, I'll get some more reading done.
I figured I would do a post on the book sooner then expected. Only
because its a very long book and I need a break from reading it. Its a
lot of work trying to keep up with all that is going on. Anyways, I
noticed that the different parts in the book are also different points
of views. So pay close attention if you haven't read the book. Kind of
makes you wonder how you can keep track of everything. So far it is all
slowly making sense, but also creating more questions. We got our first
point of view, Cassie, telling us about how it all started and what her
family did in order to survive. Also we get to see all the things that
she had to go through after being forced to be alone. The next point of
view is Cassie's high school crush, Ben. But you don't know that until
the very end of that part of the book. Also Cassie pretty much thinks he
is dead anyways and he almost dies to tell the truth. Third part and
point of view is through one of the alien's point of view. He's been
following Cassie around, ordered to kill her. Only thing is that he
doesn't and he isn't quite sure why. Also you don't know who his human
host is. But I might have an idea on who it is. Probably the guy she
dated when it all began. But I won't know until I read more. Also I'm
kind of curious who's other points of view I get to read about as the
book goes on. Do I go back to Cassie's or someone who was a part of her
life? Guess the only way to find out is to read more.
I'm two thirds through the book and a lot is happening. Also other
point of views are all starting to fuse together. And, Cassie's high
school crush isn't dead like we come to think. Well, he almost died. I
think I mentioned this already, but I can repeat it. Right? Anyways,
there are four points of views that I have seen. Cassie's, her
brother's, Ben's (Cassie's crush), and the silencer (who I think is
named Evan, but I could be wrong). Anyways, we still have to learn who
is all the enemies and who is not. It just makes you want to read more
to find out. Its like you can't trust anyone anymore. So how do you know
who the enemy is and who is not when everyone looks human? The major
question in this book. But apparently the military is not someone you
can trust and Cassie knew that already, but Ben just found out along
with a friend he has made while being trained to kill by the aliens.
Also Ben has met Cassie's brother at training camp, but he doesn't know
Cassie. Even if they shared some classes together and sat next to each
other before all hell broke lose. I know the feeling of when you have a
crush on a guy and he doesn't know you exist. Poor Cassie. Anyways, the
book is getting really intense. Its like to the point that I can't put
it down. But I am highly recommending for you to read the book. I also
heard that the movie is pretty good. We will just have to see after I
finish the book, right?
Even though I have like a quarter of the book left to read, I'm
wrapping up my posts on the book. I'm sure you guys are sick and tired
of reading about The 5th Wave and are wondering what the next book is
going to be. All I'm going to say before the next post is that its a
book from the past. One of the many that I haven't finished yet. There
are like ten of them, but I'll give a hint. It involves some werewolves.
Anyways, back to The 5th Wave. All the paths are all coming together
now. Not sure how some of them are going to fuse, but its happening. I
have a feeling I just stopped at a part where Ben's squad meets up with
Cassie and Evan. I was also right about Evan, even though he is still
denying it. Only because he is trying to not blow his cover. But why
hasn't he killed Cassie like he was supposed to? This is also the part
where there is a huge twist and Evan isn't what we think he is and
Cassie is actually the alien. That didn't actually happen, just my
imagination getting the best of me. Anyways, the book is pretty good. It
has a bit of a slow beginning and it does get confusing if you aren't
paying attention. Either way, I highly recommend the read. Next step is
to see if the movie is just as good as the book.
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