The Banshee's Embrace


So, I'm on to my next Ebook, The Banshee's Embrace. I think this is one of those books I found free online or something like that. I'm pretty sure I got this thing free. Anyways, I'm not sure what the book is about. I found it in my kindle and thought that I should read it. Also it is the next book that starts with a B. Easy choice there. But the cover looks pretty simple and interesting at the same time. I'm not sure how many pages there are, so I can't say if it is a quick read or not. I guess the only way to find out is to actually read the book.


 I have come to realize that I have a quick read on my hands. In a day I'm already halfway through the book and I'm a little more confused then seeing that it is all making sense. So I guess our leading lady is a Banshee, but yet not because she didn't die. Her husband was a wizard that died protecting her and now her crush of a bartender is her new protector. But eventually he will have to kill her. Then we have a bad wizard who wants to use her power for evil. This is all still a learn process and probably going to be a reread in order to understand all that my tired mind has read. I feel like a complete dunce right about now. Either way, I am enjoying the book so far. I'm waiting for some steamy scenes to happen, but this could be like the last book I read and not have one. Which is fine by me, but it still would be nice. I know I can be a bit of a perv sometimes.


I think this is it for the day Bookies. I'm just a few pages wrapping up this book and I plan on sleeping the moment I get off of work. I feel like crap. I won't have any energy to read any more books after this one. This should be a record for me, three books in one night. Anyways, things are getting pretty interesting in this lovely book. Our leading lady learns about her past and understands a little more who she is. She runs into the bad guys that killed her husband. Gets kidnapped and has a spell put on her to obey. But I don't think the spell is going to work because she is a strong young lady. Also we had a pretty steamy scene that makes you hope that everything works out in the end. Sadly I'm not going to say anymore about the book. You guys can get it and find out all that happens. I'm off to finish it up and maybe sneak in a nap at work.

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