
I finished my mangas and went to a series I started way back in high school. I stopped reading it for a very long time for a couple of reasons. The books were really hard to find in the library system and I also went to college. No time to read when you are there. Anyways, this is the seventh book in the series and I'm just now reviewing it. From what I can remember in the series is that our main character is related to some witches that were killed for some unknown reason. I'm sure it stated the reason, I just don't remember. Anyways, she meets this guy who is also a witch and they date for some time. The guy ends up being bad and tries to kill her for some reason I can't remember. Sadly there isn't much more I can remember. Sorry about that. It's been a while and I'm hoping reading this book will help jog my memory. I have a feeling this is going to be a quick read, but we will never know. The book is small enough but knowing my track record on reading normal books that aren't mangas, it might take me a few days. But I guess we will never know until I actually start reading. I'll let you guys know what goes on when I've read enough. I'm off to crack this book open and see what adventures I can uncover while I try to remember the one that I was already living while reading this series.
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I am taking a lot longer than I thought I would with this book. Probably because I'm trying to remember the storyline. Also, I believe that I missed a book somewhere. Because Morgan, our leading lady, is dating Hunter, her evil ex-boyfriend's half-brother. I think. Anyways, I guess her ex-boyfriend wasn't evil because he ended up dying protecting her. It still confuses me on when she started dating Hunter. So, I'm pretty sure I missed a book. Or, it's been so long and I just can't remember since it was like two or three years ago since I read the last book. I should really think about writing these things down. Anyways, I'm halfway through the book now or just about. They are all in New York hunting for something that focuses on Morgan's dream. Right now it's just them exploring and Hunter disappearing to figure things out. Morgan feels a little out of the loop because he is always taking his cousin Sky with him and really doesn't give you an update on what is going on. He is just being secretive. But she loves him and won't push for answers too much. I'm not sure how long they were dating but I have a feeling it hasn't been long. It's very rare to fall in love with someone in a short amount of time but this is a book. So things can be unrealistic. Anyways, nothing much has happened in the book and I'm sure it will pick up towards the end. They usually do. Might as well go back to reading and update when I can.
I'm just a few pages short of finishing the book and now I know why I
didn't finish the series way back when. Nothing really happens in the
book really. Sure our main character finds the place where her birth
parents lived. She even finds her mother's most treasured watch there.
Then she gets tricked into walking right through the enemies door. Not
smart of the girl to do. Anyways, she almost dies and almost gets her
boyfriend killed. Only thing is that the leader of the enemy finds
something that makes him stop what he is doing. Creating all the time
Hunter needed to save the day. But our leading lady has a bit of a shock
to her already complicated life. Turns out one of her birth parents
weren't isn't who she thought they were. You must read the book to find
out everything. Or, just go on Goodreads and read the description of the
book. It's a big giveaway. But I'm going to head out for now. I'm not a
fan of the book. Not a whole lot happens and it is kind of boring. But
check it out if you want. It's still an interesting topic for the book
to be based on. Not a whole lot of books out there about witches.
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