
I am finally reading the second book of this series. To be honest, I did forget about it for a little bit. But I remembered and the book is now in my hands. I'm not even sure when I read the first book. It's been a while. Maybe a year or two. Either way, this is one of the few books that I remember enough to know what will be happening in this book. I'm pretty sure that I haven't read many books where the main character's boyfriend ends up being a ghost the whole entire book. It just makes me wonder how she was able to see him and other's couldn't. I also remember the old couple in the woods that I am curious about. I remember finishing the first book thinking, "What the hell is going on?!", my mind was completely blown by the end of it. So high expectations for this book. Only downside to this book with the beautiful simple cover is the fact that the person before me must have had kids or something because their is pen all over the first few pages. The disrespect is real strong here. But I'll suck it up because I'm curious on how this book is going to play out.
The book is going slow. I'm sorry, but I had to say it. For the first quarter of the book, I've gone through our main female character questioning things. Trying to convince herself that everything she has experienced before her break away from home was real. It was all she made up in her head. I know that this isn't what the whole book is about, but it just started to feel like it. But she still sees dead people. Kind of curious as to why she does. Hopefully, we will learn about it soon. I'm about ready to put this book back on its shelf. I don't remember the first one enough to know whether or not if I wanted to do the same thing with that one. But I'm getting bored and I need something pretty soon. I just finished the chapter where Caspian comes back. Abbey doesn't want to see him, but yet she just can't stay away from him. It sounds like a bad drama doesn't it. Or a bad romance movie.
I probably already did a part two for reading this book, but me being an idiot probably deleted it on accident because my computer was being equally as dumb. Gotta love technology on some days. Anyways, I know I'm highly dragging my feet on this book. I'm just now halfway. I should have this book done by now but to be honest, it's kind of boring. There is nothing going on. Just our main character living her everyday life with her ghost boyfriend. It's getting to the point that I'm about to just chuck the series, I'm so bored. I have other books waiting for me to pick up from the library. So if this book doesn't speed up soon, it's going back. I can't help but feel like the main character is just a constant whiner and complainer. Yes, we have some mystery characters that pop up every once in a while that keep the story interesting, but they only show up what feels like every ten chapters. They are like the only reason why you want to continue to read. Only because you want to know who these two characters are and what their problem is. If they showed up more, then I might not be complaining as much. Let's just hope that I don't decide that Kdramas and Game of Thrones are more interesting than this book, just until I finish the book. Or I will have to request it from the library once again. As far as I know, though, I'm a little disappointed.
Can I say finally? I'm almost done with the book. It feels like it took way too long. But sadly, I don't know how much more I actually need to read since Goodreads is down for the night. How am I supposed to share my opinions on the books I read? I'm sure the site will be back up when I post this. Anyways, I feel like I have learned nothing since the last time I posted. This is a very slow moving book. I hate to say it, but I don't really like it. But I don't hate it either. Of course, there was that one moment where Abbey thought she found out Kristen's secret boyfriend and she ended up being wrong. Then we get some new mystery characters, but I think they are the same ones from before just disguised to look different. I only say this because I don't think they are actually human. I'm thinking they are like demons or evil ghosts. Or, something like that. I'm not completely done with the book, but I'm pretty sure that I will be done in the next few days. If not tomorrow. I'm just hoping that the last book will be a little bit better than this one.
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