
Okay so this is actually a book that I started reading a while back.
I'm not sure how far back, but its long enough that I don't even
remember anything about the book. All I know is that the main
character's best friend has gone missing and is declared dead. That is
all I know or at least remember. I will most likely have to restart this
book all over again. Even if I'm already a hundred pages in, according
to Goodreads. Such a shame. But I'm going to go read now. If I don't go
to bed right away. So until next time.....
Okay, I'm about a third of the way through the book. Which means I am
farther then I 'originally' was. Sadly I'm not reading this book as fast
as I'd like because its a slow book. Its kind of like one of the
mystery books you read and you have to read it slow to gather every
little detail. This book is exactly like that. Like I said before her
friend goes missing and is declared dead after being gone for so long.
There was only a small amount of blood found at the scene of the crime,
indicating that her friend just hit her head and fell into the river. So
everything has to be an adjustment for Abbey. Of course her mom thinks
she just isn't doing it right and forces her to do things. Kind of makes
me hate her mom. Also there is a mysterious guy named Caspian that
shows up out of no where. He also doesn't like the mysterious grounds
keeper named Nickolas. That is a mystery in itself right there. Also
where the hell did Caspian come from, and who is he? I'm also curious on
what actually happened to her friend. So hopefully I can read another
third of the book before I have to write a post. I am not allowed to go
more then two days of not posting. Fingers crossed I get a lot of
reading done at work. So until next time.......
Okay so the weekend so far has been pretty quiet. I have been able to
get a lot of reading done. Which leads me to inform you that I'm about
two thirds of the way through the book. Even though it feels like I
should be pretty much done by now. Anyways, there are more questions
then there are answers. We still don't know who Caspian or Nikolas
really are. We still don't know why Kristan was by the river on the day
she disappeared. We don't even find out why Caspian doesn't like
Nikolas. What we do learn is that Kristan had a secret boyfriend. Not
much is learned about that other then that the guy's name starts with
the letter D. That is is. Also that D and Kristan were fighting a lot
before she disappeared. I might also ruin the fact that Kristan is
really dead. They find her body farther down the river, but that is
about it. You pretty much get the feeling that she is dead, but aren't a
hundred percent sure until you get about halfway through the book. At
the moment I'm still wondering if my questions will ever be answered. So
until next time.....

Anyways, I have learned absolutely nothing so far. Just that there is
some greater force holding Caspian back from showing how much he really
cares about Abbey. The guy does all these sweet things for her, makes
her fall in love, and then just nope, he can't do it. What an idiot. But
I do say it sure gives it that soap opera vibe in a way. I don't watch
soap operas, at least no willingly. It seems to be the only channel on
at the hospital these days. Either that or sports. Gross. I swear my
grans does it on purpose just to see me squirm. Anyways, I am almost
done with the book. Its a bit slow, but I think that has to do with the
fact that you pick out every little detail hoping that it would shed
some light on everything. Sadly it doesn't. It frustrates me. I don't
even have a theory on this book. I would of if her friend didn't
actually end up dead. Anyways if I remember correctly, there is a
sequel. Hopefully that book has more answers. So until next time.....
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