The Infinite Sea


I'm about halfway through the book and things are pretty interesting. Our small group is on the run from the aliens that sent out death squads to kill them. But honestly they shouldn't have to do that because out little group is willing to kill each other for them. One even ends up killing someone. Sure it was by accident, but they still killed someone in their group. Anyways, our favorite alien traitor is barely alive. Not sure how its possible, but he might just die yet. Nothing like walking miles with sever burns, broken bones, and gunshot wounds to give you an infection that can kill. Only because he wanted to keep that promise. Honestly the guy is an idiot and should of waited until he healed. Sure he would have a harder time finding the person he made a promise to, but at least he wouldn't be sick in a bed dying. Sadly that is all I got for now. Not much happens in the book except fighting among each other and a little back story on each member of our little group. Kind of nice if you ask me.


 Its coming to that time where the book comes to an end. Honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure why the title is The Infinite Sea when there is no water to begin with. Or at least I don't think there is. What I'm getting is that all of the characters are so overwhelmed with what is going on that they are in an infinite sea of emotions. Which is understandable because these characters have been through a lot. They've lost friends and family. They can't trust people anymore and there is no where safe from the enemy. You feel terrible for them and you keep reading because you want to know how they overcome all of this. Also how they destroy the enemy. Anyways, we still don't know the answer to the mystery on why the aliens what the planet. You get hints here and there, but you never find out. Too bad out alien friend was too out of it to actually explain what was going on. He was just a bunch of riddles and love sick confessions to actually make any sense. Either way, I hope our characters solve the end of the world. Defeat the enemy and live happily ever after. Also I hope no one else has to die, but I have a feeling that one of the main characters doesn't have much time to live. Unless he magically gets better, which is possible because he's done it before. I guess you guys just have to read and find out yourselves on how the book ends. Which I highly recommend. So far the series has been really good and I know its going to be a while until I can get my hands on the third and final book. But keep an eye out for it. I just might be able to convince my mom to hand over some money to buy it sooner.

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